I know Discovery Science Michio Kaku and Morgan Freeman denied time travelling as being impossible task there are also conspiracy theories about NASA,Tesla Moon landing fiasco also known as fake Mars landing colonization in movie Capricorn One,The X-Files NASA recorded in film studio like in GTA Sandreas,The X-Files,Family Guy. Did Andrew Basiago,John Titor really time travelled same for Q Anon(Cliff Bleszinski on Twitter knows about them I watched documentary movie The Fall of Cabal) do they know how to time travel? Albert Einstein just in his relativity physics prooved thing known as time dilation things related to nostalgia. In Quantum Gravity Research Hacking Reality physics there’s just there & now like if we make mistakes in the our past just like in Sonic Adventure 2 we have to literally “Live and Learn” I watched YouTube videos of teleporting cars kind of like in Back to the Future series except double firemarks it’s hard to explicitly say if it’s myths,Urban Legends or paranormal activities such as Ghostbusters series. Are Aliens so technologically highly advanced that their UFO flying space vehicles able to time travel because in some paitings,Ancient egyptian hieroglyphs we can find some signs of Modern technologies. Who was first father of scientology? Nikola Tesla(guy who made flying saucers)or Ron Hubbard Science-fiction book writer? How to make portal gun in reality that one from Rick and Morty how was it made? You know it’s weapon that allows you for multiverse travelling perhaps it’s not related to relativity physics,but quantic physics. I heard myths,urban legends,interesting conspiracy theories about CERN,Vatican having dimensional multiverse portals. It seems someone created prototype of Star Wars melee weapon known as Lightsaber/Laser Sword. Imagine parallel universe where Nintendo and Sony where the same team(where Sega’s downfall never happened),Jazz Jackrabbit 3,Sonic X-Treme,Sonic-16,Sonic Mars were never cancelled,Unreal Tournament 4 was finished,Fortnite Battle Royale failed,Epic Games never partnership with Tencent and CCP,I was never banned on jazz2online,Sonic Retro forum,SNES CD,Nintendo Playstation,N64DD got finished,Sega/Mega CD(perhaps something more like Phillis CD-i maybe laserdisc hardware redesign instead of Sega Mega Drive/Genesis add-on),Sega 32X(maybe not Sega Neptune),Sega Saturn,Sega Dreamcast being cancelled.
Does American government is hiding real signs of time travelling from mainstream media tv science-fiction loving audience? If someone made real laser sword/lightsaber from Star Wars series is someone able to at least make Portal Gun from Rick and Morty Netflix streaming tv cartoony adult swim mini-series in reality to purpose of multiversal travelling you know parallel universes another dimensions for instance as an example where Unreal Tournament 4,Sonic X-Treme,Sonic Mars,Sonic-16,Jazz Jackrabbit 3,Rayman 4 were never cancelled Fortnite Battle Royale failed,Deus Ex 3 Insurrection was finished. Or are we all able to create our own astral universe in eternal/infinite afterlife?
You know in movies such as Time Machine,Back To The Future,Sonic Satam,Archie Sonic Comics,Sonic CD,Sonic Movie,Sonic Generations,Sonic '06,Sonic Forces,Dexter's Lab,Family Guy,original tv mini-series of Powerpuff Girls,Aosth time travelling seems to be possible because it seems in relativity physics time is just moving forwards not backwards towards our natural death. So is Time Travelling really impossible? Are such things as time dilation and nostalgia things that might be achieved in our lives? Do we have to live and learn from our mistakes. Are our mistakes can't be redone or undone? Are Aliens able to time travel? In what kind of grammar Satan and God spoke to people that they spoke in their own old books such as Wicked Bible or Holly Bible? Words like thou and haff are no longer trendy royal slangs. Medieval ages on our planet Earth passed away,but in afterlife it seems to be eternally/infinitely popular words. I mean those who created mankind astral royal overlords have their own symbolical language slang. In Matrix Reloaded God/Architect seems to be more modernized like theory of digital simulation(named reality of Matrix-verse).
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