We set off, my brother and I, one cold winter morning (despite a runny nose)...
...on a harrowing mission to write our names into the virginal snow.
In soviet Russia, sled rides you.
You carry the sled if you want it.
And so we trudged on...
We passed through the thick...
...spooky woods...
...with self-decorating trees with hairy balls...
...we were plagued with clichés...
...but also rewarded with visions of pristine beauty.
And finally...
"Here. This is the perfect spot."
Off to work. Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp...
(Much stomping later... )
"There. That ought to sufficiently confuse passing planes."
"...provided they can see it..."
"Okay, time for the big one... is that thing on?"
"I think it is, I see the red light blinking."
"Okay, here it comes! Three... twooo... oooneee... CHEESE!!! HRTH!!!!"
"Okay, we're done. Time to go."
"Next year, we write TPi".
HRTH to all, and to all a good night!

...on a harrowing mission to write our names into the virginal snow.
In soviet Russia, sled rides you.


You carry the sled if you want it.

And so we trudged on...

We passed through the thick...

...spooky woods...

...with self-decorating trees with hairy balls...


...we were plagued with clichés...

...but also rewarded with visions of pristine beauty.

And finally...
"Here. This is the perfect spot."

Off to work. Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp...

(Much stomping later... )
"There. That ought to sufficiently confuse passing planes."

"...provided they can see it..."

"Okay, time for the big one... is that thing on?"

"I think it is, I see the red light blinking."

"Okay, here it comes! Three... twooo... oooneee... CHEESE!!! HRTH!!!!"

"Okay, we're done. Time to go."

"Next year, we write TPi".

HRTH to all, and to all a good night!