the fans


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Lali ho!

Time to mix things up a bit. I swear, this blog wil contain none of the usual bile you'd normally find in a Blaze brand blog. Nothing's going wrong at the moment. In fact if anything things are going a little too right. Read on...

- Work continues to improve. My boss keeps setting me targets for the day which he thinks will challenge me, such as earning 50 quid with just shoe care items, etc. And I keep knocking them down with minimal effort. End result is that whenever extra hours crop up, like when someone calls in sick or something, I'm the go-to guy. I've got a big day ahead tomorrow with the launch of the new England kit, reorganising the rest of the stock room, and putting a little extra artistic flair into the note I pinned to the shelves saying 'Blaze's stock room. Anyone leaving mouldy coffee cups here will answer to the Angry Bear Cavalry'.

- A few years ago my companions and I were watching Advent Children and we got to discussing the ending of FF7, the lack of resolution of the whole 'love triangle' thing, and various other geeky things. It was then that Kai, my dearest friend and world class dick head, challenged me to put an end to the many unresolved plot threads in some manner. And thus began 'Requiem', my first fan fiction. It started as just a quick chapter to show how everyone ends up, but then I kinda got into it and kept writing. Before I knew it I'd written four chapters and had another four planned out. Now it's nearly six years later and with the recent acquisition of my netbook, it's time to finish the final write. See, being a perfectionist, I keep rewriting chapters to add more descriptive information, or in several cases adding in new characters or even entire chapters. So it's a slow process. Especially when I somehow allow Kai to get hold of it, and what was originally a tender romantic scene was made a little Truth be told his idea's actually better and it adds to what would have been a pretty slow chapter, so the decision was made to leave the adult content in, albeit rewritten by my good self as Kai has next to no talent of any appreciable value.

During the writing process I hit on another idea and started a second fan fic, an alternate reality idea in which Cloud's suprise attack on Sephiroth in the Nibelhiem reactor was actually fatal, and the events that follow. I only ever wrote four chapters but the rest of the plot is planned. Got an email earlier saying that yet another person has read the chapters currently available online and liked them enough to sign up for email updates regarding any new chapters I should ever upload. I have quite a few 'fans'. It seems odd that I'm still getting these emails when I've not uploaded any new work in months. Been busy. But it's reminded me that there are people out there waiting on these stories so I guess I should get back to work, now that I can work any time.

If anyone's interested, you can find both 'Requiem' and 'Sliding Doors' (both temporary titles, don't worry, I know they suck) posted on under my usual name, Blaze163. Hope you enjoy them, new chapters will be available shortly. I welcome constructive criticism but anyone being a cock end will be slapped upside the face with a haddock.

- There seems to be a new girl in my life. But you don't want to hear about that.

- Was having a little trouble with my DVD player. It was refusing outright to play certain episodes from season 2 of my Black Books box set. But my 360 will play damn near anything so conflict resolved there. Saves me rummaging through my room for the receipt.

- I get paid soon. Well, end of next week. I've already earned more than enough to pay my bills and dick about for a week or two. Anything I earn for the next twoo weeks is pure 'fuckin around money'. I do have a slight problem in that I've already purchased everything I've always wanted to buy, but no doubt I'll find some way of unburdening myself of all that unnecessary wallet weight.

- Speaking of weight, I've lost some. Evident by my jeans fitting significantly better than when I was a fat dole slob. If anyone happens to find said weight, don't worry. You can keep it, I don't want it.

- My only minor greivance is that I ordered a new sword from the web when I got my last pay check. It's been sent by the seller, but DHL are being whores. All my tracking page says is 'contact DHL' and it seems it's not going to move until I resolve whatever the problem is. Probably Customs being a bunch of whiny bitches again, I suppose. But these things soon dissipate when it becomes obvious that it's for display purposes, not hacking people to death. Shouldn't take too long for everything to get sorted so it's not really bothering me. Just a pain that something I spent a significant sum of money on is not on my wall right now.

- Finished Dead Space earlier. Something to be said for games that let you hack things apart. Good stress relief after a hard day's work. It's right up there with an online sniper rifle massacre. Thankfully we can now partake of such dangerously close to insane activities without actually hurting anyone these days. Ah, the wonders of technology.

- I'm stuck on Ace Combat X2. Mission 16, where I have to hold up the transports carrying nuclear fuel. I can get to the last boat with minimal hassle, but every time I go to attack the last target to stall the ship, I get blown out of the sky by some sort of super advanced SAM system which never misses and constantly deals a one hit KO no matter what my health or aircraft choice. Even on Easy mode. Suggestions?

That's about it for the time being. Things going well overall. Just thought that since I made countless blogs about how utterly shite my life was, it seems only fair to post some good news now that I have some, restoring the balance if you will.

Well, work tomorrow. Big day. Launch of the new England kit, the 20% off everything offer's still on (despite it supposed to be ending yesterday, guess head office liked the increase in profits it got us), we've got new staff for me to train, and I have to get my bear protected stock room in order. So I'm off to bed. Toodles!


'No sir, as we rehearsed. Poetry first, sausage later.' - Blackadder the Third.


GBAtemp Time Lord Regenerations: 4
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2009
United Kingdom
Blaze163 said:
- There seems to be a new girl in my life. But you don't want to hear about that.
How do you know?

Things are certainly looking up for you; you have a job, and it seems to be going rather well indeed.


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
More good news. My scarf just arrived. I had a few quid left to spend on eBay last time I got paid, so I bought myself a bright yellow scarf with a chocobo design. It's a lot bigger than it looks on the photos, and it's really thick and warm. Six pounds well spent I think. Yeah, I'll probably be ridiculed for wearing a chocobo scarf, but then I have a growing collection of swords, so people seem to keep such opinions to themselves for the most part.

Which reminds me, must ring DHL and ask why my shipment is so badly delayed. Boasting on their website that they're quick and hassle free. Nothing could be further from the truth.

And it's early days with my lady friend, hence why I didn't think it was truly worth mentioning. We'll see how it goes. But for now I have to get ready for a long day of hard work. Today's the big England kit launch so we're expecting a LOT of customers today. Hopefully management has seen fit to call in a few extra staff, 'cause last time this happened I was covering most of the store on my own.

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