ROM Hack The Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Museum


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2011
Hi guys,
yeap, I am not dead even if at the moment it's a very difficult moment on my life because I lost my job 5 months ago and still have not found a new job.
After some months of depressions for the loss of the job (yes, I was very attached to that job as me and my ex-boss are friends since almost 20 years) now i am find myself reflecting about losses and such.
One of the nice (mostly) things I look back in my life is the translation of AAI2 and I actually wanted to do this a longtime ago but I never had really time to do it: a "museum" for what the translation was and at the same time, give access to everybody to the files if they want to translate the game in other languages.
I was asked by somebody to give them this things but I actually wanted to do something like this since a loooooooongtime ... how long?? Well, lucky me I can tell you exactly when: 17 April 2011....dammit...I am old :P

Here the first piece of the museum. Was a small site I created to try to document the translation progress and had some info / pics shared. I am not sure how much of it is still working. It never really took of because I was hoping that the backup forum of court records would document that even better and i would, at the end of the translation, filter out the best parts and compose a collection of information for the site.
For all that didn't follow us when we was working on AAI2, that forum was our main discussion place, it's where all the names was discussed and put to vote, where all the technical discoveries and such was shared between members and even where some translation / localization problems was discussed. Sadly, from one day to another, the whole forum was gone because we didn't open that forum and the person who did, was long gone. Even writing emails to the companies that i could find that had something to do with the forum, never answered my request to get it back or a copy. At the time i didn't know there are pages like "WayBackMaschine" or similar to try to find it and by the time I knew of those sites, nothing usable was left of the forum.

The next part of the museum is much more juicy and interesting: HERE is a copy of the files that people didn't see online, it's a copy of PBWorks Site that translators, editors, inserters, proof readers was using when the translation picked up speed. Because we can not lock and share the original site in PBWorks with a free account and the way PBWorks did the backup, the "formatting" of the site is gone but it should be all there (apart the comments on each sub-site) A lot of things there including files maps (list of what files contains) that is usefull for the text files as example, all script dumps with translations (yes, original japanese text with translation below), all images (if i did see right), guidelines and even tools and the modified ARMs files for the translation. Note that I said " A lot is there" and not "Everything is there" so much things could / are missing (from the top of my head, i believe the expanded GUI images are not there) and because of lost of formatting, it could be that old and new things are now mixed up so don't be surprised if there are old WIP there.

To answer the question "why all this things are a bit messy? Why you didn't clean up before posting?" is because i am not there yet. In the last 10 years or so, when i changed a PC or windows wasn't working anymore / getting slow or just was running out of space, I would buy a new (bigger usually) HDD and make a fresh install. The old HDD was then connected and made a copy of the important things or even let aside until the next "cleaning of the room from old HDD". By having a lot of time at the moment and my decision to clean up my life as well as my room, I started sorting out my data collection. Sadly after years with (example) a folder named "Backup XP" that at the time I knew where it did come from and maybe at what stage of the translation it was, by now, I am lost. So, at the moment the folder "translation stuff" that I have collected from the all the HDD in my room and all backups of backups, it's just SCARY!!: about 70GB, half a millions files in about 44K folders O.o Sure there are at least 10 times AAI2 in splitted form on it (the decompressed/unpacked AAI2 rom has a little more than 9200files) and probably much more things that are double/triple but i know there are many other things in there that can be added here even if maybe not so usefull as the files in the OneDrive.

I don't want to scare people away from translations when i write that the rom has 9200 files but with this "museum", i want make people see what they have to deal with when translating games and actually show to the people how much of what we changed or had to deal in AAI2 actually did go unnoticed or taken as granted when it was not (as example all the pics when you click news on my little site).

I hope you like what you (will) see here and let me know if something is missing on the OneDrive that you need or let me know if there is something special you would like to see me post here.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Hey Auryn!

Thank you for sharing this! Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is my favorite game (ever) and the whole story behind the fan translation has been, and still is, really fascinating to me. I'm really curious to have a look at some of the files you guys worked on when translating the game. I think it was a great idea to share all this stuff with the community and the internet :)


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