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  • Um... First of all... I love your games... If it's ok... May I request you to do the gyakuten saiban 1 gba translation? If you won't.. please give me a tool... please? TY
    Auryn, you and your boys did an amazing work.
    By the way, I'm a member of the Spanish Translation Group of Prosecutor's Path. We are trying to translate it into Spanish. The only we need is to know how did you integrated the european symbols, because we need to integratesome vital Spanish symbols. If you could help us, it would be great. If you agree, contact me on [email protected]
    Greetings from Russia!

    First of all, I'd like to say thanks for your job. I've recently beaten the game and I LIKE IT!

    We're going to translate the first game, PW:AA, into Russian.
    Could you help me and my team with it? Now we don't have a good "animator" (we can't redraw "Guilty!/Not Guilty!", speech bubbles, etc.). Also, we can't replace anims: we can extract, but we can't add own animations instead.
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