v0.2Here's a few examples of the args in action:
- a few changes suggested by tueidj
- accept parameters via argv. supported are:
- "--iosV=" specify ios version. 8-bit dec number is allowed.
- "--iosR=" pass an ios revision to set for loaded module. 16-bit dec or hex with the prefix "0x" is allowed
- "--app=" specify a file to be read from the SD card. it should start with "sd:/".
- "--geckoChannel=" load from USB gecko flash. this is the gecko slot to use: 0 or 1.
- "--geckoOffset=" offset in the usb gecko flash to read the binary. format is the same as the twilight hack a u32 is read from that offset which is the size, and the rest of the data follows. 32-bit numbers in dec, or hex with a 0x prefix are allowed.
- If loading the SD path fails, then try to load from USB gecko flash at 0x20000 in slot 1 then slot 0
- default to passing IOS 254 v0xff01 to module so if it loading is ceilingcat, it will skip the autoboot
# use all default settings:
wiiload ./casper.elf
# use armboot.bin from the bootmii folder:
wiiload ./casper.elf --app=sd:/bootmii/armboot.bin
# read from USB gecko flash in slot 1 from offset 0x30000 and set flags as IOS12 v13398
wiiload ./casper.elf --iosV=12 --iosR=0x3456 --geckoChannel=1 --geckoOffset=0x30000
Can anyone tell me what the argv. parameter file should be named?
or they only work with loading from wiiload?