what dose his DNA say lol i came out as a robot , but my DNA has not changed , same thing really lol , DNA is DNA, the mind , well that is another bowl of soup , but DNA is DNA , if they find a non-binary persons bones in 400 years and to a test what will it say "non-binary" me thinks not, and non-binary MAN just means he is male that thinks he's non-binary aspoased to non-binary which is for females who think they are non-binary, ( but was not the whole idea was to get away from the MAN WOMAN label, this is where i get lost in all of this now )when i was a kid "non-binary"was ,just meant that you are "bi"
i can't wait for the day when mike tyson comes out as trans and say now he/she is woman and wants to box in the woman comps, love to see how that one plays out lol, 'but she Michell tyson identify as a woman so there for SHE must be allowed to box in the woman comp against another woman", at some point the maddens must end of the chemicals in the water and food need changing