So I got no$gba 2.6a (the one you have to donate 2.50 for, if you google it, you get plenty of free DLs
). Anyway, a while back I had a pretty decent save file of pokemon Soul Silver (all the way up to Ecruteak), but then I did something/entered some room and got a black screen. It ended up corrupting my saved data
. I would have backed up my saves, but I don't know where no$gba stores saves (it's much harder to figure out than other emulators saving like zsnes or vba). So my question is: how2backupsaves? BTW, savestating crashes my emulator. Second question, how do I enable turbo with no$gba 2.6a? I saw on a video's description to hold down + on the numpad, but I'm on a vaio laptop without a numpad. I tried turning on numlock (that's how you enable numpad functions on this laptop), but it had no effect on the game. I looked in control setup too, and there's no turbo button or anything either...