Should i get a slot one cart? and if so which one? Please dont suggest supercard two because i dont have 40$ to spend because i just bought a ezflash-iv. I guess i just want to play ds games, not sure what else. Thanks so much
it's either DSTwo or R4i Gold 3DS. All others imo aren't as good. r4i Gold 3DS is like the cheaper one, but best quality of the cheap DS flash carts.Should i get a slot one cart? and if so which one? Please dont suggest supercard two because i dont have 40$ to spend because i just bought a ezflash-iv. I guess i just want to play ds games, not sure what else. Thanks so much
this one is the best r4...
you can use another stores, check the website that is displayed on the card
will this work with dsi xl v 1.4.5?
Does anyone know a good site to buy from? With updates firmware
R4 clones will have the 3DS version listed that the cart supports. If your 3DS has a firmware version of higher than what is listed that the R4 has listed, you should be looking for a different R4 clone to buy. If there is no listed version support by the R4 clone, it is likely a VERY old version that is no longer supported.
In general, the majority of R4 clones don't get updates. You don't update your R4 clone, you buy a new R4 clone if you end up updating your 3DS/XL/LL/2DS. They are ultra cheap for a reason, they don't have updateable firmware.
migles already gave you a link to one. If you don't want to buy from china, below is to a vendor that is alot closer.
here is another one:
Should have seen your account is only recent, R4 clones get 1 or 2 updates then get dropped and you have to buy a new one if your a update handheld all the time. Since you just need it for a DSi you don't need to worry about it as much.
vouch for what? it's customer service?, never had to use the customer service to really comment. I had no problems with them so far, if that is what you mean.
I have order a Sky3DS, the R4i and a xenoGC from them and got them all within a week.
If you don't have a microSD to use already, getting one with the R4 isn't going to hurt you all that much.
now it is SDHC capable, seems to be a new microSD slot version as well since miniSD are hard to find.