Hardware Seller selling NIB 2001a "slims" on ebay...


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
United States
Since you filt--- er "nice" people were so kind to offer your "advice" and "well wishes" I DID indeedy end up ordering a refurb "phat" (how this is fat v. the above slim, since both weigh more than current primary desktop I dunno... only thing that I have that weighs more is a powermac g5 which is virtually guaranteed hernia if yer not careful) anyways I digress you fi--- erm sorry "nice" people, so read up:

There's a seller on ebay selling NIB 2001a's.

I FINALLY got around to checking mine just right now, and indeed it does appear to be TOTALLY NIB WITH fw 3.0.1. (A01 was unfortunately 4.60 IIRC so I let it upgrade as I also bought it for PS2 and to do the vita hacking*)

I purchased my 2001a for c. $125 but as with the A01 that I purchased I'd noted INSANE day-to-day price fluctuations on the order of $100 or more although the lowest at least on the "fat" that I purchased was $5 below what I paid(newegg, free shipping). Unfortunately the "slim" has been higher but mine was clearly as described BRAND NEW IN BOX.

* I also received a new 64GB vita card and tried swapping the card that I swapped out of my 3.15 "phat" vita with the "old" 64GB that was originally in my "fat" vita back and it complained about being on an "old" fw immediately upon boot, fortunately it allowed cancellation of fw updating(on "fat"). So Ima thinking that 3.36 closed off any possibility somehow of using two vitas to swap exploit games as nothing was available on the card that should've been, but did show up again once I swapped it back to the new 3.36 "slim".

So end of day, partial failure, extraordinary expenditures on xfer cables(ps3s although I did decide since I was buying one to avail myself of the cheapass pricing on so many games now for the ps3 and also discovered my crappy 720p TV also just happens to support 1080i(?!)

THIS is the more or less current listing that I purchased from but they've REALLY JACKED the price at this moment...

as a word to the wise there is not guarantee about NIB other than mine apparently seemed to be which is born out by the fw level... }:D


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