A new Ghost Recon game and the upcoming Assassin's Creed 3 are coming to the Playstation Vita, if the listing from online UK retailers Zavvi and GAME are to believe.
The Ghost Recon game, titled "Ghost Recon: Final Mission", was listed on the retailer sites. However, there has been no announcement for a Ghost Recon game for the Vita, so this comes as a surprise.
Around the time of the Vita reveal, Ubisoft announced they were making an Assassin's Creed game for the system, but if this listing is correct, it'll be Assassin's Creed 3. Whether it is a direct adaptation of the upcoming game or something similar is still unknown.
However, these could simply be listing errors. Both games were listed around the same time though and are both by Ubisoft, giving a bit more credit to this rumor.
No official statement has been issued by Ubisoft yet.
Rumors aren't front page worthy and this isn't exactly groundbreaking news.
I'm quite interested in Assassin's Creed 3 Vita if it turns out to be a direct adaptation, the console game itself looks excellent but it'd be interesting to see how well a Vita version does. If it looks almost the same but maybe runs at 30FPS instead of 60FPS then I'd be rather impressed. Plus $40 for Assassin's Creed 3 beats $60 for it.