Gaming Resident evil the mercenaries 3d


Captain Chaz 86
Mar 3, 2010
United States
I was just at gamestop, bought uncharted2 GOTY edition, zelda and the incredible hulk. the manager was in today and he told me an email went out right before the game came in stock. They are not aloud to take trade-ins of the game because of the unresettable save file. Glad I didn't buy mercenaries.


Jun 21, 2011
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United States
I just read another article about the Mercenaries issue. Boycotting stuff like this will end that sort of practice in a hurry. I would also suggest that if other companies try a tactic like that in the future, for everyone to go to a used game store and enjoy the countless games that are already out.

Deleted User

Gamestop is accepting the game again, giving you 18 US$ in-store credit. It seems that even they realised that it's not that big of a deal.
Gamestop said:
GameStop did ask the U.S. store base to stop accepting trades on Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D as we evaluated the save system for the game. Upon further review of the process with our publisher partner, Capcom, GameStop will resume taking trades on the game effective Wednesday, June 29.

Feels Good Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2007
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Just finished playing the game for about two hours. Here's some quick impressions about what I thought about the game:

The game feels very rushed and not made for the 3DS at all. It feels like an iOS game until Capcom decided to port it over to the 3DS. From the clunky looking menu's, the cheap looking banner that's on the 3DS menu to that title screen just confirms my beliefs.

The graphics seem to be all over the place -- especially with 3D on. In some cases the game looks phenomenal and in other cases, the graphics don't seem to be that great. The bland colours in some areas don't help it too much. In ways, yes, this is comparable to RE5 but others it's a long shot. Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, this game looks like it's running sub 30fps. And It doesn't help that the enemies further back have poor animation which looks extremely odd especially when you knock an enemy down and it transitions from a smooth animation to a choppy one as they fly back.

When people were talking about the 3D being weak, they weren't kidding. This is by far the weakest 3D I've seen on the 3DS thus far and it's a shame because after seeing OoT's 3D effect, this game as a lot to be desired. Also, I don't understand why the titles screen is just an image. When you turn the 3D slider up, the background of the title screen doesn't look like it moves back, it just turns into 3D right away. It's like when you turn an image you took on your 3DS camera from 2D to 3D.

The sound is terrible. The voices sound like they're talking through a Yak-Bak and the explosion sound very weak. The music is jamming though and I enjoy it. It pumps me up to shoot some enemies.

But with all that said, the game is pretty fun. It's what you'd expect from a Mercenaries game and it's really addicting. I have yet to try more online games and go through more missions but so far it seems like a solid arcade shooter. There's a good sense of danger when you hear a chainsaw off in the distance and it can get very hectic. The amount of enemies surprised me because after watching videos of this, it didn't seem like there would be a lot at once but I was gladly wrong.

Too bad there are so many problems that hinder this from being a better game andhe no-reset issue doesn't help it either.

If I were to give it a score, I'd probably give this around a 6-7/10. Very fun and addicting game but has loads of problems.


SSF43DE Master
Mar 30, 2009
Montreal, Qc
I wonder if the savefile can be extracted using NEO 3DS SMS2 Backup Master V1.21 with a SMS4,... Or any other device that is suppose to be able to.

Quoting Capcom.
QUOTE said:
"In Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, all mission progress is saved directly to the Nintendo 3DS cartridge, where it cannot be reset,"

Source, in case someone missed it.



The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Feels Good Man said:
Just finished playing the game for about two hours. Here's some quick impressions about what I thought about the game:

The game feels very rushed and not made for the 3DS at all. It feels like an iOS game until Capcom decided to port it over to the 3DS. From the clunky looking menu's, the cheap looking banner that's on the 3DS menu to that title screen just confirms my beliefs.

The graphics seem to be all over the place -- especially with 3D on. In some cases the game looks phenomenal and in other cases, the graphics don't seem to be that great. The bland colours in some areas don't help it too much. In ways, yes, this is comparable to RE5 but others it's a long shot. Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, this game looks like it's running sub 30fps. And It doesn't help that the enemies further back have poor animation which looks extremely odd especially when you knock an enemy down and it transitions from a smooth animation to a choppy one as they fly back.

When people were talking about the 3D being weak, they weren't kidding. This is by far the weakest 3D I've seen on the 3DS thus far and it's a shame because after seeing OoT's 3D effect, this game as a lot to be desired. Also, I don't understand why the titles screen is just an image. When you turn the 3D slider up, the background of the title screen doesn't look like it moves back, it just turns into 3D right away. It's like when you turn an image you took on your 3DS camera from 2D to 3D.

The sound is terrible. The voices sound like they're talking through a Yak-Bak and the explosion sound very weak. The music is jamming though and I enjoy it. It pumps me up to shoot some enemies.

But with all that said, the game is pretty fun. It's what you'd expect from a Mercenaries game and it's really addicting. I have yet to try more online games and go through more missions but so far it seems like a solid arcade shooter. There's a good sense of danger when you hear a chainsaw off in the distance and it can get very hectic. The amount of enemies surprised me because after watching videos of this, it didn't seem like there would be a lot at once but I was gladly wrong.

Too bad there are so many problems that hinder this from being a better game andhe no-reset issue doesn't help it either.

If I were to give it a score, I'd probably give this around a 6-7/10. Very fun and addicting game but has loads of problems.

Either you also post as Kool-Aid Man on Gamefaqs, or that's just shameless copy pasta.

I should get my copy in the morning (postman didn't even show up today, much less bring me anything) and from what I've seen and heard so far, I think I'll still enjoy this game. The sound did seem a little weak in the vids but I wasn't exactly expecting orchestral greatness with every shot from a handheld. The AI has always been dense on the minions, that's part of the fun for me, popping them in the face 'cause they're too dumb to move out the way of an obvious laser sight, it reminds me of the many dense people I serve at work. And some of my colleagues, for that matter.

Being unable to wipe the save data doesn't phase me 'cause it's the sort of game I'll blast through, then dip into for ten minutes every now and then while I crack on with a more major project with the bulk of my time, probably my Tales Of Vesperia restart 'cause I don't have a clue who this boss is or why I should care after such a long break between sessions. It's a 'burst' type game, was always intended as such. It's designed to be played for a couple of rounds every now and then to let off steam when you're pissed off at other stuff. Believe me, nothing is more theraputic after a hard day's work than breaking out the hand cannon, aiming at someone who looks suspiciously like your boss, and blowing the mother fucker's head off. Only doing it in Mercs has significantly fewer legal repurcussions

I'll chime in with my full two cents tomorrow afternoon, postman's willingness to get out of bed permitted of course. But so long as the core gameplay remains intact, which is what most people claim, I'd say my review will be mostly favourable. Games are about the gameplay, after all. Sure, nice graphics and sound help matters but they're not the core of the experience. Which is why I can still play Starwing to this day even though by today's standards the game looks like something you'd get on a lollipop stick.

Feels Good Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2007
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Blaze163 said:
Feels Good Man said:
Just finished playing the game for about two hours. Here's some quick impressions about what I thought about the game:

The game feels very rushed and not made for the 3DS at all. It feels like an iOS game until Capcom decided to port it over to the 3DS. From the clunky looking menu's, the cheap looking banner that's on the 3DS menu to that title screen just confirms my beliefs.

The graphics seem to be all over the place -- especially with 3D on. In some cases the game looks phenomenal and in other cases, the graphics don't seem to be that great. The bland colours in some areas don't help it too much. In ways, yes, this is comparable to RE5 but others it's a long shot. Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, this game looks like it's running sub 30fps. And It doesn't help that the enemies further back have poor animation which looks extremely odd especially when you knock an enemy down and it transitions from a smooth animation to a choppy one as they fly back.

When people were talking about the 3D being weak, they weren't kidding. This is by far the weakest 3D I've seen on the 3DS thus far and it's a shame because after seeing OoT's 3D effect, this game as a lot to be desired. Also, I don't understand why the titles screen is just an image. When you turn the 3D slider up, the background of the title screen doesn't look like it moves back, it just turns into 3D right away. It's like when you turn an image you took on your 3DS camera from 2D to 3D.

The sound is terrible. The voices sound like they're talking through a Yak-Bak and the explosion sound very weak. The music is jamming though and I enjoy it. It pumps me up to shoot some enemies.

But with all that said, the game is pretty fun. It's what you'd expect from a Mercenaries game and it's really addicting. I have yet to try more online games and go through more missions but so far it seems like a solid arcade shooter. There's a good sense of danger when you hear a chainsaw off in the distance and it can get very hectic. The amount of enemies surprised me because after watching videos of this, it didn't seem like there would be a lot at once but I was gladly wrong.

Too bad there are so many problems that hinder this from being a better game andhe no-reset issue doesn't help it either.

If I were to give it a score, I'd probably give this around a 6-7/10. Very fun and addicting game but has loads of problems.

Either you also post as Kool-Aid Man on Gamefaqs, or that's just shameless copy pasta.

I should get my copy in the morning (postman didn't even show up today, much less bring me anything) and from what I've seen and heard so far, I think I'll still enjoy this game. The sound did seem a little weak in the vids but I wasn't exactly expecting orchestral greatness with every shot from a handheld. The AI has always been dense on the minions, that's part of the fun for me, popping them in the face 'cause they're too dumb to move out the way of an obvious laser sight, it reminds me of the many dense people I serve at work. And some of my colleagues, for that matter.

Being unable to wipe the save data doesn't phase me 'cause it's the sort of game I'll blast through, then dip into for ten minutes every now and then while I crack on with a more major project with the bulk of my time, probably my Tales Of Vesperia restart 'cause I don't have a clue who this boss is or why I should care after such a long break between sessions. It's a 'burst' type game, was always intended as such. It's designed to be played for a couple of rounds every now and then to let off steam when you're pissed off at other stuff. Believe me, nothing is more theraputic after a hard day's work than breaking out the hand cannon, aiming at someone who looks suspiciously like your boss, and blowing the mother fucker's head off. Only doing it in Mercs has significantly fewer legal repurcussions

I'll chime in with my full two cents tomorrow afternoon, postman's willingness to get out of bed permitted of course. But so long as the core gameplay remains intact, which is what most people claim, I'd say my review will be mostly favourable. Games are about the gameplay, after all. Sure, nice graphics and sound help matters but they're not the core of the experience. Which is why I can still play Starwing to this day even though by today's standards the game looks like something you'd get on a lollipop stick.

I'm Kool-Aid_Man
I have other accounts too but I'm too lazy to log out and post on my other accounts.

Feels Good Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2007
Visit site
Derp. There goes my save.

I was playing through the game without saving it and decided to play the Revelations demo again and after the demo finished, it went back and my save file seemed to be gone


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
Feels Good Man said:
Derp. There goes my save.

I was playing through the game without saving it and decided to play the Revelations demo again and after the demo finished, it went back and my save file seemed to be gone
You should be happy, you did it! You deleted RE Mercenaries 3D save.



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2004
Pippin666 said:
I wonder if the savefile can be extracted using NEO 3DS SMS2 Backup Master V1.21 with a SMS4,... Or any other device that is suppose to be able to.

Quoting Capcom.
QUOTE said:
"In Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, all mission progress is saved directly to the Nintendo 3DS cartridge, where it cannot be reset,"

Source, in case someone missed it.


Assuming it can, then you should be able to erase it by writing a file that is just all 0xFF's (no need to mess with encryption) as according to 3dbrew that is what a blank, uninitialized save file is. Be sure to keep a backup of your save in case they though of that and make the game refuse to boot if you try to forcibly wipe the save data that way.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Capcom is full of s*it. If there is a "Save" function and a "Load" function, the chip the save game is held on is clearly a Read/Write one. Ergo, you can just as well "Erase" the data simply by saving a set of zero's as a Binary.

Cannot be reset my ass, admit it and just say that you wanted to cut down the second-hand market or you simply FORGOT to implement an essential part of a game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
Solar Federation
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United States
Feels Good Man said:
Just finished playing the game for about two hours. Here's some quick impressions about what I thought about the game:

The game feels very rushed and not made for the 3DS at all. It feels like an iOS game until Capcom decided to port it over to the 3DS. From the clunky looking menu's, the cheap looking banner that's on the 3DS menu to that title screen just confirms my beliefs.

The graphics seem to be all over the place -- especially with 3D on. In some cases the game looks phenomenal and in other cases, the graphics don't seem to be that great. The bland colours in some areas don't help it too much. In ways, yes, this is comparable to RE5 but others it's a long shot. Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, this game looks like it's running sub 30fps. And It doesn't help that the enemies further back have poor animation which looks extremely odd especially when you knock an enemy down and it transitions from a smooth animation to a choppy one as they fly back.

When people were talking about the 3D being weak, they weren't kidding. This is by far the weakest 3D I've seen on the 3DS thus far and it's a shame because after seeing OoT's 3D effect, this game as a lot to be desired. Also, I don't understand why the titles screen is just an image. When you turn the 3D slider up, the background of the title screen doesn't look like it moves back, it just turns into 3D right away. It's like when you turn an image you took on your 3DS camera from 2D to 3D.

The sound is terrible. The voices sound like they're talking through a Yak-Bak and the explosion sound very weak. The music is jamming though and I enjoy it. It pumps me up to shoot some enemies.

But with all that said, the game is pretty fun. It's what you'd expect from a Mercenaries game and it's really addicting. I have yet to try more online games and go through more missions but so far it seems like a solid arcade shooter. There's a good sense of danger when you hear a chainsaw off in the distance and it can get very hectic. The amount of enemies surprised me because after watching videos of this, it didn't seem like there would be a lot at once but I was gladly wrong.

Too bad there are so many problems that hinder this from being a better game andhe no-reset issue doesn't help it either.

If I were to give it a score, I'd probably give this around a 6-7/10. Very fun and addicting game but has loads of problems.

Thanks for highlighting the major qualms there are with the game.

Still great time killing fun!

anyone dump a clean save yet?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2004
Foxi4 said:
Capcom is full of s*it. If there is a "Save" function and a "Load" function, the chip the save game is held on is clearly a Read/Write one. Ergo, you can just as well "Erase" the data simply by saving a set of zero's as a Binary.

Cannot be reset my ass, admit it and just say that you wanted to cut down the second-hand market or you simply FORGOT to implement an essential part of a game.

No, it is all ones not all zeros (i.e. 0xFF, not 0x00) that indicates a new, unused save chip according to 3dbrew*. Of course, it is possible that Capcom doesn't do it that way and puts their own save data on, just so they can prevent someone trying to do just that by having the game refuse to boot if it detects bad save data (including all 0x00 or 0xFF's) but that would be quite a bit of extra work for Capcom/Nintendo as they would have to program all of the EEPROM chips themselves rather than just leave them uninitialized. We really need a dump of the save data from a brand new cart that hasn't been played or even inserted in a 3DS to be sure.

When a save EEPROM contains all xFFFF blocks it's assumed uninitialized by the game cartridges and it initializes default data in place, without prompting the user.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2010
Solar Federation
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United States
nl255 said:
Foxi4 said:
Capcom is full of s*it. If there is a "Save" function and a "Load" function, the chip the save game is held on is clearly a Read/Write one. Ergo, you can just as well "Erase" the data simply by saving a set of zero's as a Binary.

Cannot be reset my ass, admit it and just say that you wanted to cut down the second-hand market or you simply FORGOT to implement an essential part of a game.

No, it is all ones not all zeros (i.e. 0xFF, not 0x00) that indicates a new, unused save chip according to 3dbrew. Of course, it is possible that Capcom doesn't do it that way and puts their own save data on, just so they can prevent someone trying to do just that by having the game refuse to boot if it detects bad save data (including all 0x00 or 0xFF's) but that would be quite a bit of extra work for Capcom/Nintendo as they would have to program all of the EEPROM chips themselves rather than just leave them uninitialized. We really need a dump of the save data from a brand new cart that hasn't been played or even inserted in a 3DS to be sure.

someone please do this!


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
nl255 said:
Foxi4 said:
Capcom is full of s*it. If there is a "Save" function and a "Load" function, the chip the save game is held on is clearly a Read/Write one. Ergo, you can just as well "Erase" the data simply by saving a set of zero's as a Binary.

Cannot be reset my ass, admit it and just say that you wanted to cut down the second-hand market or you simply FORGOT to implement an essential part of a game.

No, it is all ones not all zeros (i.e. 0xFF, not 0x00) that indicates a new, unused save chip according to 3dbrew*.

I kinda meant the principle, not the method. I just wanted to highlight that what they're saying is BS.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2004
Foxi4 said:
nl255 said:
Foxi4 said:
Capcom is full of s*it. If there is a "Save" function and a "Load" function, the chip the save game is held on is clearly a Read/Write one. Ergo, you can just as well "Erase" the data simply by saving a set of zero's as a Binary.

Cannot be reset my ass, admit it and just say that you wanted to cut down the second-hand market or you simply FORGOT to implement an essential part of a game.

No, it is all ones not all zeros (i.e. 0xFF, not 0x00) that indicates a new, unused save chip according to 3dbrew*.

I kinda meant the principle, not the method. I just wanted to highlight that what they're saying is BS.

It is only BS if Capcom hasn't already thought of it and taken countermeasures. One way would be to have a special saved game preloaded (as opposed to just leaving the EEPROM chip uninitialized) and have code that makes the game refuse to run (or even worse, trips an efuse that makes the game permanently non-bootable) if it detects a save file with all 0xFF or 0x00 in it. However, doing so would mean adding an extra step (flashing the EEPROM chip with the "starter save") during manufacturing. So while you are likely correct, the only way to know for sure is to have someone who is willing to risk their copy of the game to test it. Examining a save dump of a never before played copy to see if they use a blank EEPROM would help as well (no, I don't plan on getting the game unless gamestop sells it used fairly cheap).

Edit - Ok, I suppose someone could use the hardware RAM dumper for the 3DS and disassemble the game code to find out but that is overkill.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2006
nl255 said:
to have a special saved game preloaded (as opposed to just leaving the EEPROM chip uninitialized) and have code that makes the game refuse to run

In this case, one could simply dump the contents of the initial save game BEFORE running RE for the first time.
I mean, these devices which write to (3)DS cartridges can also read them, no ?


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Well, my copy arrived this morning (not due out til 2mrw, thanks ShopTo!) and I've had time to get to grips with it now. So as promised, here's my two cents.

+ Graphics are pretty good, very details environments, faithfully recreated from Resi 4+5. Not bad for a handheld.

- I've noticed that very very occasionally an enemy will stutter for a few frames of animation. Nothing major. Tends to happen when they have a parasite head. It's rare, and only for a fraction of a second, but could have been avoided with a decent beta test so it has to be marked as a negative, I'm afraid.

+ Music quality is decent, tunes help keep the adrenaline going.

- Sound quality is hit and miss. Voice samples are adequate at best, sound effects are ok but a but grainy, and as noted by others, explosions lack any real impact.

+ Core gameplay is solid as a rock once you get through the tutorials. It's the exact same game you know and love. Nothing more satisfying than busting skulls, kneecapping the infected then uppercutting them into their mates before shooting the exploding barrel you knocked them into and watching the meat shower. Damn, so satisfying. The strafe is a nice inclusion although it's rarely necessary. The controls as a whole are great. Very easy to play.

- Too much of the game seems to be tutorials. The first 3 mission sets are all tutorials which end as soon as you kill a set number of enemies, normally too low to be any real challenge. Too much training, not enough live exercises. Still enough to keep me amused as I chase ever better scores but if you know how to play already it feels kinda insulting to be forced through that many tutorial levels. AI is WAAAY too dumb at the start too. In fact I don't think I even took a hit until I got to the fourth mission set. Then I got jumped by a garrador and now I have no eyelids.

+ Plenty to do. Decent character selection, medals and skills to unlock, new outfits, 8 maps, and the core gameplay doesn't get old. Still best suited to 'burst' gaming. Play a round or two, go play something else, play another round or two, repeat. Having herbs at the touch of a button is a VERY welcome addition. I suppose if you care about levelling up all the skills yourself then the one save issue would be a problem but I honestly don't see what difference it makes.

- Alarming lack of some things that should have been obvious inclusions. Leon and Ada are nowhere to be seen and yet Barry is a playable character. Strange choice there if you ask me. The strafe is near useless as a rule, especially if you're a veteran Merc and you're accustomed to not using it.

Overall I'd rate it about a 7.5, an 8 maybe once I've unlocked the other characters and maps. The game's slight flaws do detract from the experience a little, but not enough to offset the sheer joy of breaking out the longbow and letting the mayhem begin. I'd say it's not worth the full £40, but if you get it cheaper than retail, maybe £20/£30, that's about right as it does have a LOT of replay value. The demo isn't worth dick 'cause it's too short, although I did find myself thinking that the strafe feature would be a lot more useful in Revalations given the layout of the ship, it's helpful for looking around corners but not much good when things get busy. The enemies in the demo seem to take a LOT of shots to bring down and one of them got a rather cheeky smack right into my face with that club arm.

I'd like to see Revalations given a little more time, enhance the sound quality and make sure it's long enough to justify the investment, but it shows a lot of potential. The only major gripes I can lay at the package is the sound quality being low and the demo being too short. Other than that it's really not as bad as people are making out. It's still a highly enjoyable experience. Nothing quite comes close to having a manjini at your mercy and having Jill do a double knee drop right into his happy sack. I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
Gambia, The
i, myself am very happy with the game, but there are some major lags going on, if you play with other continents. well, it would be nice, if some of you, who have the game, preferably european based, could add me (0946 - 2220 - 6649, leave me a massage here, so i can add you back). dont have a single one in my friendlist playing this game v_V. i would also love to use skype, msn,... to have voicechat while playing, though its definately not required

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