An interview by the Chilean outlet, La tercera, has been recently translated by Nintendo Everything contributors.
In it, Reggie Fils-Aime acknowledges the Wii U's sales and how they hurt the company and the console itself, he commented on criticism about Star Fox's Gameplay and Graphics, and stated that he believes that they haven't lost the trust of their fans.
At some point, it was said that Nintendo would not get in the mobile business because the controls were not good enough for its games. Do you still believe that?
No franchise is off limits for mobile, and any of our games can end up on that platform. Our developers are working hard to adapt games in the best way possible, and I’m convinced that they will find the best way to make them work properly.
In Wii U’s case, was it misunderstood by fans?
When we launched Wii U, we missed the opportunity to be clear on the concept, to show off its capabilities and what the users could do. And that hurt us. Sales were also hurt, during the beginning of its lifespan, by the lack of games. And although we've sold 13 million consoles, against 20 and 40 million from the competition (Microsoft and Sony, respectively), what pleases us the most is that Wii U has the games with the best reviews and ratings from fans.
NX is a console or a platform?
Always a platform.
How can NX satisfy or regain the fans?
I don’t think we’ve lost the trust of our fans. Our opportunity is to create platforms with great content, that goes well beyond the fans and brings in new players to competitive systems; games like Zelda, Mario or Smash Bros, will always be played by fans, but there’s a consumer willing to make the jump, and it was there that Wii was successful, just like 3DS, because it went for more than just the typical Nintendo fan.
It seems like Nintendo has finally admitted to the Wii U's failed advertising scheme, along with reassuring fans their goals are always about bringing great content to their platforms.
Original interview
Translation by Nintendo Everything
Last edited by MrJason005,