ROM Hack [Question] Dragon Quest 7 RSF CCI Building Help


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
United States
I am having a heck of a time rebuilding an RSF to help recompile my CCI for this game.

Here is my RSF

  Title                  : "CtrApp"
  CompanyCode            : "GD"
  ProductCode            : "CTR-P-AD7J"
  ContentType            : Application
  Logo                  : Nintendo
  UniqueId              : 0x0065e
  Category              : Application
  MediaSize              : 2GB
  MediaType              : Card1
  CardDevice            : NorFlash
  UseOnSD                : false
  EnableCompress        : true
  FreeProductCode        : true
  EnableCrypt            : false
  MediaFootPadding      : true # If true CCI files are created with padding
ExeFs: # these are the program segments from the ELF, check your elf for the appropriate segment names
  - .rodata
  - RO
  - .data
  - RO
  - .init
  - .text
  UseOtherVariationSaveData : false
  #UseExtSaveData : true
  ExtSaveDataId: 0x00000000
  SystemSaveDataId1: 0x00000000
  SystemSaveDataId2: 0x00000000
  OtherUserSaveDataId1: 0x00000
  OtherUserSaveDataId2: 0x00000
  OtherUserSaveDataId3: 0x00000
  #UseExtendedSaveDataAccessControl: true
  #AccessibleSaveDataIds: [0x101, 0x202, 0x303, 0x404, 0x505, 0x606]
  #- CategorySystemApplication
  #- CategoryHardwareCheck
  #- CategoryFileSystemTool
  - Debug
  #- TwlCardBackup
  #- TwlNandData
  #- Boss
  - DirectSdmc 
  #- Core
  #- CtrNandRo
  #- CtrNandRw
  #- CtrNandRoWrite
  #- CategorySystemSettings
  #- CardBoard
  #- ExportImportIvs
  #- DirectSdmcWrite
  #- SwitchCleanup
  #- SaveDataMove
  #- Shop
  #- Shell
  #- CategoryHomeMenu 
  - FsMountNand
  - FsMountNandRoWrite
  - FsMountTwln
  - FsMountWnand
  - FsMountCardSpi
  - UseSdif3
  - CreateSeed
  - UseCardSpi
  IdealProcessor                : 0
  AffinityMask                  : 1
  Priority                      : 48
  MaxCpu                        : 0x9E # Default
  DisableDebug                  : false
  EnableForceDebug              : false
  CanWriteSharedPage            : false
  CanUsePrivilegedPriority      : false
  CanUseNonAlphabetAndNumber    : false
  PermitMainFunctionArgument    : false
  CanShareDeviceMemory          : false
  RunnableOnSleep              : false
  SpecialMemoryArrange          : false
  CoreVersion                  : 2
  DescVersion                  : 2
  ReleaseKernelMajor            : "02"
  ReleaseKernelMinor            : "35"
  MemoryType                    : Application
  HandleTableSize: 200
  - 1ff50000-1ff57fff
  - 1ff70000-1ff77fff
  - 1f000000-1f5fffff:r
    ArbitrateAddress: 34
    Break: 60
    CancelTimer: 28
    ClearEvent: 25
    ClearTimer: 29
    CloseHandle: 35
    ConnectToPort: 45
    ControlMemory: 1
    CreateAddressArbiter: 33
    CreateEvent: 23
    CreateMemoryBlock: 30
    CreateMutex: 19
    CreateSemaphore: 21
    CreateThread: 8
    CreateTimer: 26
    DuplicateHandle: 39
    ExitProcess: 3
    ExitThread: 9
    GetCurrentProcessorNumber: 17
    GetHandleInfo: 41
    GetProcessId: 53
    GetProcessIdOfThread: 54
    GetProcessIdealProcessor: 6
    GetProcessInfo: 43
    GetResourceLimit: 56
    GetResourceLimitCurrentValues: 58
    GetResourceLimitLimitValues: 57
    GetSystemInfo: 42
    GetSystemTick: 40
    GetThreadContext: 59
    GetThreadId: 55
    GetThreadIdealProcessor: 15
    GetThreadInfo: 44
    GetThreadPriority: 11
    MapMemoryBlock: 31
    OutputDebugString: 61
    QueryMemory: 2
    ReleaseMutex: 20
    ReleaseSemaphore: 22
    SendSyncRequest1: 46
    SendSyncRequest2: 47
    SendSyncRequest3: 48
    SendSyncRequest4: 49
    SendSyncRequest: 50
    SetThreadPriority: 12
    SetTimer: 27
    SignalEvent: 24
    SleepThread: 10
    UnmapMemoryBlock: 32
    WaitSynchronization1: 36
    WaitSynchronizationN: 37
  - APT:U
  - $hioFIO
  - $hostio0
  - $hostio1
  - ac:u
  - boss:U
  - cam:u
  - cecd:u
  - cfg:u
  - dlp:FKCL
  - dlp:SRVR
  - dsp::DSP
  - frd:u
  - fs:USER
  - gsp::Gpu
  - hid:USER
  - http:C
  - mic:u
  - ndm:u
  - news:u
  - nwm::UDS
  - ptm:u
  - pxi:dev
  - soc:U
  - ssl:C
  - y2r:u
  - ldr:ro
  - ir:USER
  SaveDataSize: 128KB
  RemasterVersion: 0
  StackSize: 0x40000
  JumpId: 0x0004000000065e00
    ac: 0x0004013000002402L
    am: 0x0004013000001502L
    boss: 0x0004013000003402L
    camera: 0x0004013000001602L
    cecd: 0x0004013000002602L
    cfg: 0x0004013000001702L
    codec: 0x0004013000001802L
    csnd: 0x0004013000002702L
    dlp: 0x0004013000002802L
    dsp: 0x0004013000001a02L
    friends: 0x0004013000003202L
    gpio: 0x0004013000001b02L
    gsp: 0x0004013000001c02L
    hid: 0x0004013000001d02L
    http: 0x0004013000002902L
    i2c: 0x0004013000001e02L
    ir: 0x0004013000003302L
    mcu: 0x0004013000001f02L
    mic: 0x0004013000002002L
    ndm: 0x0004013000002b02L
    news: 0x0004013000003502L
    nim: 0x0004013000002c02L
    nwm: 0x0004013000002d02L
    pdn: 0x0004013000002102L
    ps: 0x0004013000003102L
    ptm: 0x0004013000002202L
    ro: 0x0004013000003702L
    socket: 0x0004013000002e02L
    spi: 0x0004013000002302L
    ssl: 0x0004013000002f02L

Here is my Rom Tool Information
[+] CCI Image Details
Media Type:            CARD1
Media Size:            2 GB (16 Gbit)
CCI Data Size:        1439 MB (0x59f31200 bytes)
CCI File:
  > Size                2048 MB
  > Status              Full Size
Additional Device:    EEPROM
Partition Count:      3
Min 3DS Firm:          4.4.0-XJ
Save Crypto:          2.2.0-4 KeyY Method
[+] CXI Partition
Product Code:          CTR-P-AD7J
Company Code:          GD
Unique ID:            0065e
Build Type:            Release
SDK Version:          4.2.3 Release
Req. Kernel Version:  2.35-0
[+] CFA Partitions
E-Manual:              Yes
DLP Child:            No
Update Data:          Yes
[*] Completed Successfully

Here is my exheader text:
Extended header:
Signature:              79FEB5CBC5C9FB606A1E836E60D8994A54D22C1818A076D60FCDB3556A526DEB
NCCH Hdr RSA Modulus:  B79C6AD97DF06536F8660CE772A55840B1007C4A7046D018C0DBE8129A31CAAB
Name:                  CtrApp
Flag:                  01 [compressed]
Remaster version:      0000
Code text address:      0x00100000
Code text size:        0x002A683C
Code text max pages:    0x000002A7 (0x002A7000)
Code ro address:        0x003A7000
Code ro size:          0x0003D1E0
Code ro max pages:      0x0000003E (0x0003E000)
Code data address:      0x003E5000
Code data size:        0x00024FE0
Code data max pages:    0x00000025 (0x00025000)
Code bss size:          0x00AA870C
Code stack size:        0x00040000
Dependency:            0004013000002402
Dependency:            0004013000001502
Dependency:            0004013000003402
Dependency:            0004013000001602
Dependency:            0004013000002602
Dependency:            0004013000001702
Dependency:            0004013000001802
Dependency:            0004013000002702
Dependency:            0004013000002802
Dependency:            0004013000001a02
Dependency:            0004013000003202
Dependency:            0004013000001b02
Dependency:            0004013000001c02
Dependency:            0004013000001d02
Dependency:            0004013000002902
Dependency:            0004013000001e02
Dependency:            0004013000003302
Dependency:            0004013000001f02
Dependency:            0004013000002002
Dependency:            0004013000002b02
Dependency:            0004013000003502
Dependency:            0004013000002c02
Dependency:            0004013000002d02
Dependency:            0004013000002102
Dependency:            0004013000003102
Dependency:            0004013000002202
Dependency:            0004013000003702
Dependency:            0004013000002e02
Dependency:            0004013000002302
Dependency:            0004013000002f02
Savedata size:          128K
Jump id:                0004000000065e00
Program id:            0004000000065e00
Core version:          0x2
System mode:            0x0
Ideal processor:        0
Affinity mask:          1
Main thread priority:  48
Ext savedata id:        0x00000000
System savedata id 1:  0x00000000
System savedata id 2:  0x00000000
OtherUserSaveDataId1:  0x00000
OtherUserSaveDataId2:  0x00000
OtherUserSaveDataId3:  0x00000
Accessible Savedata Ids:
Other Variation Saves:  Inaccessible
Access info:            00000000000000
Other attributes:      00
Mapping static address: 0x1FF50000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1FF58000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1FF70000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1FF78000 (RW)
Mapping static address: 0x1F000000 (RO)
Mapping static address: 0x1F600000 (RO)
Kernel flags:         
> Allow debug:        YES
> Force debug:        NO
> Allow non-alphanum:  NO
> Shared page writing: NO
> Privilege priority:  NO
> Allow main() args:  NO
> Shared device mem:  NO
> Runnable on sleep:  NO
> Special memory:      NO
> Memory type:        APPLICATION
Handle table size:      0x200
Kernel release version: 2.33
Allowed systemcalls:    0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B
                        0x0C, 0x0F, 0x11, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17
                        0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F
                        0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x27, 0x28
                        0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x30
                        0x31, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A
                        0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D
Allowed interrupts:    none
ARM9 Desc. version:    0x2
Mount NAND fs:          NO
Mount NAND RO write fs: NO
Mount NAND TWL fs:      NO
Mount NAND W fs:        NO
Mount CARD SPI fs:      NO
Use SDIF3:              NO
Create seed:            NO
Use CARD SPI:          NO
SD Application:        NO
Use Direct SDMC:        NO
Service access:        APT:U
Service access:        $hioFIO
Service access:        $hostio0
Service access:        $hostio1
Service access:        ac:u
Service access:        boss:U
Service access:        cam:u
Service access:        cecd:u
Service access:        cfg:u
Service access:        dlp:FKCL
Service access:        dlp:SRVR
Service access:        dsp::DSP
Service access:        frd:u
Service access:        fs:USER
Service access:        gsp::Gpu
Service access:        hid:USER
Service access:        http:C
Service access:        mic:u
Service access:        ndm:u
Service access:        news:u
Service access:        nwm::UDS
Service access:        ptm:u
Service access:        pxi:dev
Service access:        soc:U
Service access:        ssl:C
Service access:        y2r:u
Service access:        ldr:ro
Service access:        ir:USER
Reslimit category:      00

Ultimately I am recompiling my CCI using this RSF, desc app:7 (tried 2 and 4 because i thought it corresponded to the kernel minor/major), used target g (for GW keys) and fed it my decrypted icon.bin, banner.bin, code.bin and my exheader.bin (I gave it the decrypted exheader.bin)

Exheader.txt came from the decrypted exheader (which gave me the odd title I thought, CtrApp is strange since it is Dragon Quest VII).

Can anyone give me a hand? I've been trying to figure this whole process out for 2 days.
I should note that I've been editting game files (they are just text files) as well, as we are working on a translation. BUT..... I have just been trying to rebuild the initial uneditted dump.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
United States
So I checked out the tool, and it still requires me to create an RSF, which I've tried multiple variations of.
Is the script what's being used for the AUTO RSF? And it looks like that is probably only being used for the CIA file generation, since you need a 1:1 rsf for a 3ds file.

Everytime this 3DS file gets repacked, and i drop it on my gateway, it has a white icon, no title underneath, and doesnt load (even before and after using your tool).
The original 3DS pack I found worked fine, but decrypted with a smaller code.bin file.
The CIA i found unpacks and has what I would expect for a code.bin file, and I can actually see a ton of function references.

I would love to write a tool using your knowledge to auto generate 1:1 RSF for 3DS files.
There has got to be a good way, seeing as we can extract this information using ROM_TOOL, CTRTOOL and 3DSEXPLORER.

Thoughts? Would you like to help with make something like this? Or are you thinking it's not possible yet with the scenes knowledge.
I've been reading your posts on the subject, and reading about every type of file format on 3dsbrew, which still hasnt helped me make the correct RSF file for this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
United States
Of course you need an .rsf

Maybe you didn't see my hint for what needs to be changed if you use my template for .3ds

Title / CompanyCode / ProductCode / UniqueId / MediaSize
MediaType / CardDevice / ExtSaveDataId / SaveDataSize
and if needed: JumpId

It should be:
  Title                   : "CtrApp" #CHANGE ME
  CompanyCode             : "GD" #CHANGE ME
  ProductCode             : "CTR-P-AD7J" #CHANGE ME
  ContentType             : Application # Application / SystemUpdate / Manual / Child / Trial
  Logo                    : Nintendo # Nintendo / Licensed / Distributed / iQue / iQueForSystem

  UniqueId                : 0x0065e #CHANGE ME
  Category                : Application # Application / SystemApplication / Applet / Firmware / Base / DlpChild / Demo / Contents / SystemContents / SharedContents / AddOnContents / Patch / AutoUpdateContents

  MediaSize               : 2GB # 128MB / 256MB / 512MB / 1GB / 2GB / 4GB / 8GB / 16GB / 32GB #CHANGE ME
  MediaType               : Card1 # Card1 / Card2 #CHANGE ME
  CardDevice              : NorFlash # NorFlash(Pick this if you use savedata) / None (Choose None if it's a card2 game)

  UseOnSD                 : false # true if App is to be installed to SD #CHANGE ME
  EnableCompress          : true # Compresses exefs code #CHANGE ME
  FreeProductCode         : true # Removes limitations on ProductCode #CHANGE ME
  EnableCrypt             : true # Enables encryption for NCCH and CIA #CHANGE ME
  MediaFootPadding        : true # If true CCI files are created with padding #CHANGE ME

ExeFs: # these are the program segments from the ELF, check your elf for the appropriate segment names
   - .rodata
   - RO
   - .data
   - RO
   - .init
   - .text
PlainRegion: # only used with SDK ELFs 
 - .module_id
  ExtSaveDataId: 0x0000065e
  SystemSaveDataId1: 0x00000000
  SystemSaveDataId2: 0x00000000
  OtherUserSaveDataId1: 0x00000
  OtherUserSaveDataId2: 0x00000
  OtherUserSaveDataId3: 0x00000
  #UseOtherVariationSaveData : true
  #UseExtendedSaveDataAccessControl: true
  #AccessibleSaveDataIds: [0x101, 0x202, 0x303, 0x404, 0x505, 0x606]
   #- Boss
   #- CardBoard
   #- CategoryFileSystemTool
   #- CategoryHardwareCheck
   #- CategoryHomeMenu
   #- CategorySystemApplication
   #- CategorySystemSettings
   #- Core
   #- CtrNandRo
   #- CtrNandRoWrite
   #- CtrNandRw
    - Debug
    - DirectSdmc
   #- DirectSdmcWrite
   #- ExportImportIvs
   #- SaveDataMove
   #- Shell
   #- Shop
   #- SwitchCleanup
   #- TwlCardBackup
   #- TwlNandData
  SaveDataSize: 128KB #CHANGE ME
  RemasterVersion: 5
  StackSize: 0x40000
  JumpId: 0x0004000000065e00


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
United States
I did miss that! You should definately update your signature to include this link.
I really like to the tool, I was actually making one myself, but you beat me to it!

Ill give this a shot when i have a chance and let you know how it worked out for me.

Thanks again Lio.

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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
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    so like it doesnt exist
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
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    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
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  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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