Gotta be honest don't remember much about the Wii homebrew scene.
Anyways, I heard running gamecube backups with rev15 is bad and probably doesn't work (in which it really doesn't in my case). I tried both wiigator's launcher and neogamma which end up in a disc timeout and you hear ticking noises from the wii.
I heard rev14 works.
Do I just re-install cios rev14 or? Do I do something special now that I'm on rev15?
(not sure if the best place to post, but I thought I'd throw it here since I'm trying to play a gamecube backup ;_; )
Wii FW 3.3U softmodded
Anyways, I heard running gamecube backups with rev15 is bad and probably doesn't work (in which it really doesn't in my case). I tried both wiigator's launcher and neogamma which end up in a disc timeout and you hear ticking noises from the wii.
I heard rev14 works.
Do I just re-install cios rev14 or? Do I do something special now that I'm on rev15?
(not sure if the best place to post, but I thought I'd throw it here since I'm trying to play a gamecube backup ;_; )
Wii FW 3.3U softmodded