Hello everyone. I have a PSP 1000 running 6.60 PRO-B10. All my emulators were working fine but all of the sudden none of them were working right (I don't know what I did honestly) Most of the time, when I open one, it will start the PSP bootscreen and then show a black screen for 5 seconds and then my PSP would restart. Some of them also give me the error: 80020148 - This game could not be started. I literally can't open any application. Even updates won't open. What I'd like to do is get rid of my CFW so I can start from scratch and update to 6.61 CFW. But every tutorial online for how to get rid of CFW doesn't work for me because none of the applications open. I've tried using on OFW update from Sony.... error. I've tried running EBOOT.PBP from the recovery menu... as soon as I select it, my PSP restarts. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you! :-)