Deleted User
Going to link to the original article to give credit where credit is due and for the sake of time
If you're just looking to use the exploit and don't care to read through the whole article I have taken the liberty of putting the exploit on a webhost for you guys already that you're more than welcome to use if you would like and will put the instructions at the bottom of the thread.
If you're just looking to use the exploit and don't care to read through the whole article I have taken the liberty of putting the exploit on a webhost for you guys already that you're more than welcome to use if you would like and will put the instructions at the bottom of the thread.
- PS3 Phat: this CFW installer will work for you
- PS3 Slim: Will work on most models, but you have to check your factory firmware
- PS3 SuperSlim: This release is not for you
Frequently Asked Questions & Additional Notes
Why am I getting a corrupted file error?
Will this jailbreak my SuperSlim?
I can't move when inside the recovery mode, what happens?
Is my PS3 compatible ?
Is a Quick Compatible Console Chart Available ?
I don't understand this picture, please help!
There are three types of chipset memory : NAND, NOR, and EMMC. You need to use the corresponding exploit!
CECH Axxxxxx to CECH Gxxxxxx = NAND.
Everything else is NOR!
If your console use NAND, you need to use the NAND exploit.
If your console use NOR, you need to use the NOR exploit.
What is the basic purpose of the Writer & Dumper Tools Release?
Can I install a CFW lower than 4.82, such as Rebug 4.81 or an earlier CFW?
How to go from Ferrox 4.82 to Rebug 4.81?
Why am I getting a corrupted file error?
- Redo the exploit and try again
Will this jailbreak my SuperSlim?
- NO, (PS3Xploit has strong possibility to eventually evolve into a HEN style exploit (that aspect will take some additional development and time, at this time PS3Xploit exploit has not evolved enough)
I can't move when inside the recovery mode, what happens?
- You need an official, USB plugged, DS3 controller when in recovery mode.
Is my PS3 compatible ?
- PS3 FAT : ALL compatible ! don't ask or worry.
- PS3 Slim : CECH-2xxxxxxx, it depends on the PS3 model (run a tool to check first! look on the next FAQ question)
- PS3 Slim : CECH-3xxxxxxx NOT compatible
- PS3 Super slim : CECH-4xxxxx NOT Compatible
- You must have a PS3 Console that has a Factory Firmware of 3.56 and below.
- To check, its easy with this simple tool for OFW, Download minverchk.rar
- Then place the .pup file on a FAT32 USB Flash Drive in a PS3/UPDATE folder (create path if needed)
- Now on the PS3 XMB goto Setting ->> System Update >>> Update via Media Storage
- Once shown on the list select the PUP and install, shortly after there will be a message showing the factory firmware the console was shipped,
- For this we want 3.56 and below.
- ANYTHING HIGHER THEN 3.56 IS NOT ABLE INSTALL A CFW. Sorry this will not work for your console, but there could be a HEN (Homebrew Enabler) possible for running homebrew, but additional research and time is needed for achievement, additional details can be read here.
Is a Quick Compatible Console Chart Available ?
I don't understand this picture, please help!
There are three types of chipset memory : NAND, NOR, and EMMC. You need to use the corresponding exploit!
CECH Axxxxxx to CECH Gxxxxxx = NAND.
Everything else is NOR!
If your console use NAND, you need to use the NAND exploit.
If your console use NOR, you need to use the NOR exploit.
- PS3 FAT/Phat : Determine the chipset type based on the FIRST LETTER of your serial number, and use the corresponding exploit.
- PS3 Slim : NOR ! got to NOR !!! There's no other chipset type, don't even think which one to use. Answer is NOR !
- PS3 super slim : not possible (yet).
What is the basic purpose of the Writer & Dumper Tools Release?
- The dumper is to get a backup of the nor chip
- The writer is to jailbreak your console. (Adding a patch to OFW to allow CFW installation)
Can I install a CFW lower than 4.82, such as Rebug 4.81 or an earlier CFW?
- Yes, but first you need to install a CFW 4.82! Then you must Toggle QA Flag. Once the Token is activated you have the ability to freely jump CFW versions. (see below for details)
- When on a CFW download & install >>> QA TOGGLER (Standalone), (Note: Will just show a black screen then reboot the PS3 and returns to xmb. A Restart is RequiredA fterwards though or cfw syscalls will be disabled (meaning your CFW patches will be disabled until the next boot, so a reboot is required after the Toggler exits back to the XMB.)
- No, installing the "999 downgrader" PUP on a 3.56 minver console, it will brick the console, simply just Toggle the Q/A Flagand play itsafe and is so simple to move from CFW versions (up and down from version to version).
- Yes, as long as its Syscon version is the same than your current firmware version (4.82) or higher, such as the modded version of Rebug 4.81.2 with its Syscon patched to 4.82 (CFW available in the unofficial site linked above!)
How to go from Ferrox 4.82 to Rebug 4.81?
- Question already answered TWICE above in this FAQ. Question also Raised Here
- you can't read the FAQ's answers located above? here are the answers AGAIN:
1) Install QA flag pkg, launch QA Flag to toggle its state, when it returns to XMB, shut down your console. Now you can install another CFW from any version.
2) Install the patched Rebug version with syscon4.82
- No, you can directly install the special modded version of Rebug 4.81.2 with its Syscon patched to 4.82. (CFW available in the unofficial site linked above!)
Last edited by Cyan,
, Reason: updated & re-ordered the FAQ