Hi.I have a problem with my Wii.It turns off after plugging HDD or USB.It worked fine,but now,for some reasone,it doesn't.
Had somebody have this.problem,and are there any solutions of it ?
My first thoughts:
Your HDD and/or USB device needs too much power for the Wii.
Does your HDD/USB Device have a Power adapter?
Can you check the Wii´s power Adaptor or maybe try another one please ?
Thank you.
Thank you.Thank you for an answer.No,i don't have power adapter.Gonna check it soon.
My HDD has no power adapter.Wii has it.Thank you.
To get you correct please:
Your HDD has no Power Adaptor or you don not have a second WII power adaptor or BOTH versions ?
Thank you.
Thank you.My HDD has no power adapter.Wii has it.
Oh.Thanks for helping.Anyway...the both ways are expensive tho...Thank you.
All is now clarified.
Please try it possible:
- an other HDD (if possible with Power Supply/Adaptor)
- an other Wii Power adaptor (if you can get one please.)
Thank you.
Oh.Thanks for helping.Anyway...the both ways are expensive tho...
For testing definitely.You could try a cheap thumbdrive of SD-cardreader (with a card in it), they require less power.
when does it turn off?
on system menu, or at boot?
does it happen if HDD is already plugged before boot?
does it happen if you plug the HDD after boot, on system menu? or specific places (in homebrew)
did you try to plug while inside HBC?
Did you try to plug anything else not requiring lot of power? (like SD card to USB adapters), or any USB cable (even just a cable, not connecting anything to it)
it's just to check if it's a USB Port issue, maybe short circuit ?
it does the same on both ports?
oh, so it's not immediate with all devices.
I suppose when you say "USB case" you talk about flashdrive. please, don't use "USB" for flashdrive, because EVERYTHING is USB (flashdrive, but also HDD, even mouse, keyboard !)
if it's flashdrive, then it also happen with low consumption devices.
it's strange that it can work longer if plugged before boot.
It happens when doing nothing? boot, and wait on system menu?
If it's really a power issue, it's strange too.
- why it takes some time to shutdown, the hdd is init right away and if the power is not enough it should be affected quickly.
- unless the power adaptor is decreasing the power little by little, but then it would also happen without plugged devices.
- why would it shutdown only with hdd or flashdrive plugged?
The power adapter has a kind of memory in it.
you can reset it by unplugging it fully (both sides) for few minutes/hours.
It happened to me once, the wii didn't boot at all (no red light), I unplugged it for a day. it's working great again
That is understandable.
Wii power supply ~15-18 Euro on Amazon (includes shipping)
8-10 Euro on Aliexpress (includes Shipping)
Power supplies for your HDD (depending on Voltage/Power you need)
5-10 Euros
A used Wii you can get maybe around 40-50 Euro with accessories/the Adaptor.