Hi, i'm writing to ask you an advice. I have this R4i (probably a fake) with the V 1.4 yellow balloon on the up right corner. On the red PCB says "R4i-SDHC 3" I tried to update the firmware with a file that a friend of mine passed. I overwrote everything and when i started the card again it said fake card: contact reseller. Then I downloaded another firmware from http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/downloade.asp and installed it. From now on (tried a couple of different fw) all I get is a white screen (top) and a white flash followed by a black screen (bottom).
Please I need help, card is not mine but my friend's. He's probably going to say "You broke my card" and I don't really want to pay another
Please I need help, card is not mine but my friend's. He's probably going to say "You broke my card" and I don't really want to pay another