What others have said.
If it is getting to you then you might want to look up continuous ink systems (CIS)/continuous ink supply systems (CISS) for your printer model and/or printer cartridge family. They are things you can refill trivially/continuously from a bottle without any real hassle that comes from more traditional refilling methods. A quick scan says there are some for your printer and cartridge family.
I find it all too much faffing for my taste, but then again I seem to have fair access to a decent supply of old colour laser printers if I decided to go down that path and generally hate printing and printing related issues -- I have a black and white tiny laser printer for plane/concert/festival/ferry tickets, CVs, invoices, receipts, car/device manuals and directions for anything that needs something there. Everything else I will go bother a client with a proper printer for or take to the supermarket/wherever traditionally developed photos as they all realised moving into the modern world was the only way to survive now film has died.