If I wasn't lazy I would look up the press release where someone from GF basically said this is the road they are headed down. EV/IV are literally the thing (well maybe shines too but that doesn't matter since it's all aesthetic) that drives hacks, gens, clones, etc. Level the playing field completely by getting rid of these stats that don't actually need to be there, and you get rid of the controversy overnight.
I am going to come out and say that if you want to be competitive, TRULY competitive, you are going to clone, or gen (notice I don't say HACK, because moves that have no business being on a mon have no business being in the game, PERIOD). If you legitimately DO NOT do that (and I honestly believe such a person doesn't exist) you are literally spending hundreds of hours just getting your proven team built and ready for tournament.
...which was what I was indirectly saying in the first post.