Right, I'm having trouble.
I use a PSP-2000 with the unhackable motherboard, so I use chickHEN and Prometheus-2 5.03.
I got PSNLover 1.2 on. On MGS
W I got no problem downloading the extra stuff, and trying to get online is also no problem with PSP2. However, whenver I try to join a game, it gives an error. 80500e11, 80500c14, etc.
Also I can't access PSN store oddly enough.
I've tried by setting the fake region to Type I, no good.
What the hell? Other CFW users can get on, why can't I? There's gotta be someone that can shed light on this crappy mess.
I use a PSP-2000 with the unhackable motherboard, so I use chickHEN and Prometheus-2 5.03.
I got PSNLover 1.2 on. On MGS
Also I can't access PSN store oddly enough.
I've tried by setting the fake region to Type I, no good.
What the hell? Other CFW users can get on, why can't I? There's gotta be someone that can shed light on this crappy mess.