After tinkering with kernel 2.05 for a bit, it occurred to me that the auto patcher seemingly just creates .PAT files found in the PATCH directory. It occurred to me that a lot of the initial time-to-wait can be bypassed if we could simply just copy pre-existing .PAT files. I am still waiting on a second micro-to-mini adapter, but I plan to test this by copying over my current micro SD card onto the new micro SD card to see if it skips the initial patching process since there will already be existing .PAT files.
Does a collection of .PAT files already exist?
Also, somewhat related -- I recall there being limits on the number of files within each directory. What happens if one were to place the entire GBA library onto the flash cart (sorted into subdirectories, of course)? I would presume that the PATCH and SAVER directories would eventually surpass the limit, would they not?
Does a collection of .PAT files already exist?
Also, somewhat related -- I recall there being limits on the number of files within each directory. What happens if one were to place the entire GBA library onto the flash cart (sorted into subdirectories, of course)? I would presume that the PATCH and SAVER directories would eventually surpass the limit, would they not?