Is there any sub-folders do I have to look in? Or is it just there?Rydian said:From yours (or somebody else's) i386 folder, perhaps?
Okay, I think I found it, but its a "EX_" file. How do I change it (beside from renamimg it)?Rydian said:Idunno', I don't have that folder on my current install, but I do know it contains the windows installation files.
It wont let me. It only lets me rename the "file name", not the "file type".Rydian said:Rename it.
So all i have too do is drag/drop the "logonui.EX_" file on expand.exe (thats whats there)?Cyan said:renaming is not enough.
Files with the underscore in the extension are compressed with the MSDos 5.x CABinet archive format.
You have to "uncab" the file.
Cab.exe and uncab.exe should be also present in your i386 folder.
Just drag/drop the .EX_ on uncab.exe.
It could also be expand.exe instead of uncab.exe.
Apparently, yes.RoboticBuddy said:So all i have too do is drag/drop the "logonui.EX_" file on expand.exe (thats whats there)?Cyan said:renaming is not enough.
Files with the underscore in the extension are compressed with the MSDos 5.x CABinet archive format.
You have to "uncab" the file.
Cab.exe and uncab.exe should be also present in your i386 folder.
Just drag/drop the .EX_ on uncab.exe.
It could also be expand.exe instead of uncab.exe.
"Documents and Settings" folder is "Users" in Vista/Windows 7.raulpica said:Yup, you have to do expand. uncab should work too, but I haven't ever done that with uncab, always used expand. Actually, I dunno if dragging it upon expand.exe is enough.
In that case, it'd be better to use your Command Prompt, and do this in the dir where's the .ex_ file.
"expand logonui.ex_ logonui.exe" (hopefully it isn't in the same directory where's the other logonui.exe).
After that, you can replace your old logonui with the new one.
Oi, thanks!
Actually, it was
CODEexpand "X:\i386\logonui.EX_" "X:\Documents and Settings\RoboticBuddy\New Folder\logonui.exe"
Fuck no. That undoes potentially years of security patches.AsPika2219 said:The real answer is reinstall Windows XP from beginning if you have a Installation CD.
Uh, yeah. I'm too used to copy things locally in a dir, then go in it with the prompt and do simple commands like thoseRoboticBuddy said:"Documents and Settings" folder is "Users" in Vista/Windows 7.raulpica said:Yup, you have to do expand. uncab should work too, but I haven't ever done that with uncab, always used expand. Actually, I dunno if dragging it upon expand.exe is enough.
In that case, it'd be better to use your Command Prompt, and do this in the dir where's the .ex_ file.
"expand logonui.ex_ logonui.exe" (hopefully it isn't in the same directory where's the other logonui.exe).
After that, you can replace your old logonui with the new one.
Oi, thanks!
Actually, it was
CODEexpand "X:\i386\logonui.EX_" "X:\Documents and Settings\RoboticBuddy\New Folder\logonui.exe"
EDIT:Is there any other way to get the original "logonui.exe"? Just asking.