NTEVO romfs for Gen 6 Pokemon


Jul 29, 2023
United States
I have been using Universal Randomizer ZX 4.6.0 and have been unable to determine where exactly I am running into the issue. Whenever I successfully generate a LayeredFS file for Luma using the dumped 000400000011C400.00000003 Pokémon Omega Ruby (CTR-P-ECRA) (W).cxi coupled with the dumped 1.4 update .cia, I am able to move it to my luma/titles folder, but whenever I launch the game I immediately become stuck at a blank screen that requires me to have to restart my entire console.

I have not yet had a chance to test this with other titles such as Alpha Sapphire, X/Y, or S/M, but as far as I know I am doing everything correctly per all the guides I've been following. I have game patching on per the Luma settings + the update and ROM files were directly dumped by GM9 into the output folder on my SD. I am also able to run the Project Restoration patch for Majora's Mask 3D just fine, so it seems highly unlikely that it's an issue with my Luma/game patching settings.

I am specifically trying to run a Universal Randomizer patch in order to only eliminate trade evolutions ("Change Impossible Evolutions") due to being unable to find any existing mods/patch files available online for this on sites like Rombats or on the GBAtemp forums. I am not necessarily looking for troubleshooting for Universal Randomizer as that is likely an issue for the GitHub page, but rather NTEVO patches themselves. Nonetheless, I have included the log file created from running the randomizer below.

Does anyone know where I can find premade LayeredFS files for the latest updates of the Gen 6 [and Gen 7] games that only remove trade evolutions?

and just in case, here is the log that was generated:
Randomizer Version: 4.6.0
Random Seed: 198800295261372

Pokemon base stats & type: unchanged

--Removing Impossible Evolutions--
Poliwhirl -> Politoed by leveling up holding King’s Rock
Kadabra -> Alakazam at level 37
Machoke -> Machamp at level 37
Graveler -> Golem at level 37
Slowpoke -> Slowking using a Water Stone
Haunter -> Gengar at level 37
Onix -> Steelix by leveling up holding Metal Coat
Rhydon -> Rhyperior by leveling up holding Protector
Seadra -> Kingdra by leveling up holding Dragon Scale
Scyther -> Scizor by leveling up holding Metal Coat
Electabuzz -> Electivire by leveling up holding Electirizer
Magmar -> Magmortar by leveling up holding Magmarizer
Porygon -> Porygon2 by leveling up holding Up-Grade
Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z by leveling up holding Dubious Disc
Feebas -> Milotic by leveling up holding Prism Scale
Dusclops -> Dusknoir by leveling up holding Reaper Cloth
Clamperl -> Huntail by leveling up holding Deep Sea Tooth
Clamperl -> Gorebyss by leveling up holding Deep Sea Scale
Boldore -> Gigalith at level 37
Gurdurr -> Conkeldurr at level 37
Karrablast -> Escavalier by leveling up with Shelmet in the party
Shelmet -> Accelgor by leveling up with Karrablast in the party
Spritzee -> Aromatisse by leveling up holding Sachet
Swirlix -> Slurpuff by leveling up holding Whipped Dream
Phantump -> Trevenant at level 37
Pumpkaboo -> Gourgeist at level 37
Pumpkaboo-M -> Gourgeist at level 37
Pumpkaboo-L -> Gourgeist at level 37
Pumpkaboo-XL -> Gourgeist at level 37

Move Data: Unchanged.

Pokemon Movesets: Unchanged.

TM Moves: Unchanged.

Move Tutor Moves: Unchanged.

Trainers: Unchanged.

Static Pokemon: Unchanged.

Wild Pokemon: Unchanged.

Randomization of Pokemon Omega Ruby (Ver. 1.4) completed.
Time elapsed: 145ms
RNG Calls: 0

--ROM Diagnostics--
File name: 000400000011C400.00000003 Pokémon Omega Ruby (CTR-P-ECRA) (W).cxi
.code: 4F07CD1C
romfs header: D39632B9
romfs header (game update): FF2E95FF
DllBattle.cro: 1457FEBB
DllField.cro: 999A83FA
DllPoke3Select.cro: D8E1FE18
DllShinkaDemo.cro: 5794CE31
a/0/1/3: BD3DF991
a/0/2/9: 3F312B82
a/0/3/6: F2F2FCFE
a/0/3/8: 9C55C332
a/0/7/1: 3E8C9E72
a/0/7/2: A64AF164
a/0/7/3: 5ABFB959
a/0/7/4: A6C2AFAC
a/0/7/5: A842AC5F
a/0/7/6: 928D7E3B
a/0/7/7: 0733AE30
a/0/7/8: 7B6DDFC4
a/0/7/9: FCC62512
a/0/8/0: B5DD59B9
a/0/8/1: 23B7F22E
a/0/8/2: BE187B12
a/0/8/3: F9B2A3A0
a/0/8/4: 5C6D7C5B
a/0/8/5: 4F20E0AD
a/0/8/6: AFF7DD4F
a/0/9/1: 2AA511AA
a/1/8/1: 0C1F0B7B
a/1/8/9: D17DC884
a/1/9/0: 243ED81A
a/1/9/1: C03B6E88
a/1/9/2: 21DCE891
a/1/9/3: 43D2B7D0
a/1/9/5: ABB02044
a/1/9/6: 8219BA02
a/1/9/7: 06267B89

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