The YesOJO Switch Dock Projector is now on IndieGogo! It's a dock projector. And a speaker. And a power bank. You can play your Switch anywhere in docked mode, at upscaled quality and FPS, and it looks pretty good. And when you're not using your Switch, you can connect any HDMI-enabled device to project that too! It projects a 30-120 in. display at 200 lumens, which is actually pretty good if you know anything about projectors. It's like playing on a TV without color correction. It's good, but it's not as good as a professional projector, obviously. But look at the size of that thing! And it's packed with a 20,400 mAh battery. And a 8Ω 5W Speaker (I have no idea what that is!). The retail price will be $428 USD, but the Super Early Bird Pack is $299 USD, so if you wanna grab one, better get it now. The official website is, and their Twitter is where they're always updating us.
So what do you guys think? Are you gonna buy it, or is it not worth it?
Official Blah Blah Features said:OJO: World’s First Projector for Nintendo Switch
-Mini-projector -Beams a high quality 30-120 inch display at 200 lumens
-Power bank -A 20,400mAh built in rechargeable battery, take and project your Switch anywhere
-Dock -An extra Switch dock which you can connect any device to via HDMI
-High Quality 8Ω 5W Speaker -Boost the Switch’s internal speaker with High-Quality audio
So what do you guys think? Are you gonna buy it, or is it not worth it?
Last edited by aykay55,