I'm making an remake of nsmbu on the Wii.
This hack will have:
New models
New music,
New world maps,
NSMBU tilesets,
And a new logo,
And I'm also going to change the level samples that newer uses into one that matches the nsmbu levels.
Music: 100%
World map: not started
Logo: 100%
Levels: 5%
AboodXD (Music, graphics, level maker)
MariobrosU (Model editor, level maker, graphics)
Skiaak (Tester, level maker)
WarioTails358 (Koopatlas map maker, music, level maker)
Akidus (Koopatlas map maker)
dj_skual (Models)
Kelton2 (Tester)
I need level makers, map makers ,tileset makers, and people who can edit the layouts.
I also need someone to help me change the level samples.
If you want to join send me an pm or just post here.
Run for it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c5umxjlqk114zeh/Run for it.png?dl=0.
Lemmy's swing back castle:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6h397h612ho0y79/Lemmy's swingback castle.png?dl=0.
Waterspout beach:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8mq2xch55fxl8oy/Waterspout beach.png?dl=0
Super Acorn:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fo9skz4tn6yk24c/Super Acorn.jpg?dl=0
These levels were made by customlevelfan.
Waterspout beach was made by MariobrosU.