ROM Hack NCGR and NCER files with custom headers

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I am part of a translation team translating Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love. The games graphics are stored in what I'm 99% sure are simply .ncgr and .ncer files with a custom header. These files contain "GCV" and "ECV" in their headers, so I guess they would be considered .vcg and .vce files (little endian, right?).
All the graphics in the game are LZ77 compressed and stored in huge archive files, but for each archive file there is a .inf file that tells where each file starts, allowing for easy extraction, and also repointing if necessary. The way I have been doing it so far is messing with the widths in the vcg files in CrystalTile2 until I get it unscrambled, exporting them to a BMP or PNG, and then sending them off to our graphic editors. However, I recently have come across a few graphics that I can't unscramble by just manually changing height and width values in ct2. If I can manage to edit the headers of the .vcg and .vce to change them to .ncgr and .ncer, I would be able to extract those graphics without a problem.

Could someone help me with this? I found some documents online detailing the NCGR and NCER formats, but I'm still lost. I've attached a sample of the two files.
(note - the pal file is the palette extracted from a .vcl file, what I believe is a NCLR file with a custom header)


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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
United States
Try CT2's tile composition tool. Forget about the ncer equivalent file. Just try to edit your ncgr equivalent should be enough.
See this tutorial for example.
Your pic has some parts that are 2 blocks by 2 blocks, and some that are 4 blocks by 4 blocks, etc.

(Just try messing up with CT2's tool and you'll eventually get it. It's like playing jigsaw puzzle. I can't run CT2 now but I think the offset for your file is 10. Offsets can be different for different graphics, though.)

P.S. If you're not familiar with Tile composition tool, just search the forum with Tile composition keyword. I think it's been mentioned in a lot of threads here already.
Last edited by jjjewel,
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Deleted User

Try CT2's tile composition tool. Forget about the ncer equivalent file. Just try to edit your ncgr equivalent should be enough.
See this tutorial for example.
Your pic has some parts that are 2 blocks by 2 blocks, and some that are 4 blocks by 4 blocks, etc.

(Just try messing up with CT2's tool and you'll eventually get it. It's like playing jigsaw puzzle. I can't run CT2 now but I think the offset for your file is 10. Offsets can be different for different graphics, though.)

P.S. If you're not familiar with Tile composition tool, just search the forum with Tile composition keyword. I think it's been mentioned in a lot of threads here already.
Thanks! I never knew about that part of ct2!
This would be perfect for smaller files, however, it seems rather impractical for a complex graphic like the one I posted. I've been trying to get it arranged but its really difficult :(

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