ok i am very new about emulating a Java Emulator on my DS, so i see many java emulator nowadays but which of them is the best?? and what are the game resolution required??(176x208,240x320,320x240)
I don't know where you're seeing many of them, as there is only one that actually plays Java games, and that's PSTROS DS. http://www.volny.cz/molej/pstrosnds/
Remember that this is for MIDP cell phone games only, and most other Java files won't run properly. The cell phone resolution can either be handled automatically or manually specified in the .jad file associated with the game. Read the documentation included with the program for information on that.
JVM Exited with 0
That's not mobile java and won't run, needs opengl.MineCraft on the DS yay!
Rydian I feel honored to be quoted by you, the Gbatemp celebrity.That's not mobile java and won't run, needs opengl.MineCraft on the DS yay!
If people cannot see this the first it was posted let me post it again.I redirect you to DSCraft.
lolz, thats what i thought when I saw JAVA on the ds.MineCraft on the DS yay!