ROM Hack Translation Metroid: Other M - True Japanese Mod (English Fan Translation)


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
Metroid: Other M - True Japanese Mod
(English Fan Re-Translation Mod)
Version: 1.0.0

This is an open-source modding project intended to edit the NTSC-U (North America) version of Metroid: Other M to accomplish two main goals:
  • Convert the game's entire spoken voice-over from English to Japanese.
  • Replace the original botched English localization with one that is (hopefully) more accurate to the Japanese script.
In starting this project, I was heavily inspired by this outstanding video below created by Lexicon Lookout. While I had suspected it for years, his video really convinced me that there was quite a lot of character and plot details that was present in the the Japanese script that was utterly ruined by or outright missing from the English localization.
On top of that, while I'm not an expert on the language by any means, the Japanese voice cast sounds a lot better than their English counterparts in my opinion. Samus sounds less like an emotionless robot, and more like the experienced hunter that she is - and the rest of the cast sounds a lot more natural as well.

Normally one could just import the Japanese version of Other M, because unlike the US version, the Japanese version allows you to select between Japanese and English VA's and subtitles. However, I feel even this is not enough, as the Japanese version reuses the same botched localization for its English subtitles.
Fortunately, all of the Japanese audio tracks are still within the game files of the US version, despite not being selectable in-game. These tracks are found in the following formats:
  • .aix files in the sound>bgm folders, each marked as jp for Japanese.
  • Embedded within each .sfd movie file as audio track 2. Track 1 is the English track, and is read by the US version by default.
Furthermore, Other M's subtitles are located in the file message_all.dat, and can be changed using a text editor (with a couple caveats). With this knowledge in hand and after months of research, trial, and error, I've edited each video so that the Japanese tracks are Track 1 and assembled a Riivolution mod that forces the game to only read the altered video and message_all file, as well as the jp .aix files.
It is now possible to play the US version of Metroid Other M with both Japanese voice acting and modified subtitles!


  • Dolphin Emulator version 5.0-15407 or newer ( Dolphin's dev team recommends using newer releases due to constant improvements.
  • At least 6 GB of hard drive space.
  • An ISO of the NTSC-U version of Metroid Other M. You will need to dump this from an official copy on your own.
  • Recommended: A save file with Theater Mode fully unlocked, so you can easily test the changes.
IMPORTANT: This Riivolution mod has currently only been tested for use on Dolphin Emulator.
It has not been tested nor endorsed for use on actual Wii hardware at this time. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Modding Subtitles:
You can find information on modding Metroid Other M's subtitle file, message_all.dat , in this post below.
You will also find the game's Japanese script in that same file, even in the US version of the game!

Additional Notes:
  • This mod is intended for the NTSC-U (North America) version ONLY.
  • Theater Mode has been fully tested, as well as most of the full campaign - I made a few minor tweaks during my play-through, and while I'm pretty sure there won't be any issues, please inform me in this thread if there are.

Special Thanks (and notice regarding video editing):
A very special thanks to @ShadowOne333 for his invaluable help and support, helping me out on how to edit Other M's .sfd videos and setting up Riivolution mods.
I highly recommend checking out his new improvement hack Metroid: Other M Redux : Shadow discovered the ideal solution for editing Other M's .sfd video files, which after testing it for myself I endorse 100% as it fixed all the video issues I came across when I first started this project.
Details on his process can be found under the Converting videos to SFD section of his first post - You may also find it useful for editing sofdec videos in other titles that use the codec.

Download links:
For this full release, I am offering the Subtitles and the Media files as separate downloads in order to make updating them easier in the future.
For those who have already downloaded and installed earlier versions of this mod, please note that several changes have been made to both the Subtitles and Media portions of this mod, and how they are loaded via Riivolution. If you haven't already, it is recommended that you download the latest version of both folders.

Release Version: 1.0.0

Subtitle Files (Install this first):

Media Files:

Installation Instructions:

1) Download and Extract the folder "MOMTrueJapanese_v1_0_0_p1_Subtitles".
2) Move the folder "other_m_true_japanese" to your currently configured Dolphin "Load" path and place it in the "Riivolution" folder.
On Windows, the default path is "Dolphin-x64\User\Load\Riivolution".
You may need to create the "Riivolution" folder if it does not exist.
3) Download and Extract the folder "MOMTrueJapanese_v1_0_0_p2_Media"
4) Move the two folders, "movie" and "sound", into the folder "other_m_true_japanese" from Step 2.
The root of "other_m_true_japanese" should now contain the folders "message", "movie" and "sound", and the mod's XML file.
5) Load up Dolphin emulator. Ensure that the base game is present in your gamelist and that the GameID is R3OE01.
6) Right-click the game in the gamelist and select "Start with Riivolution Patches...".
7) Click "Open Riivolution XML..." and select the XML file for "other_m_true_japanese". Under "Contents", switch both the "Audio & Movies" and "Subtitle" options to "Enabled".
If you wish to have this mod configuration directly in your gamelist for quick access, select "Save as Preset...".
Hit "Start".

Copyright Notice:
This is an open source mod for the Metroid Other M game published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Wii system and co-developed by Techmo / Team Ninja.
All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners. This mod and the contents within may not be used for commercial purposes in any form.

To Do:
  • Finish and release modified subtitles. Complete
  • Playable DeepL "Direct" translation option. Currently included as a separate file for reference purposes.
  • Riivolution improvements - Select between multiple options to play the game. Would mainly consist of alternate subs.
  • Edit subtitles for full campaign. Complete
  • Test the full campaign thoroughly. Mostly complete. Made a few minor changes during my play-through.
  • Riivolution improvements - Combine videos and text into a single package. Complete

Wish List / Help Wanted:
  • Person with programming knowledge in order to edit subtitle timings/triggers.
  • Wii/Wii U console compatibility (don't consider until very late in the process).

Known Issues:
  • There are a couple voice lines that are stuck in their English configuration, because the sound files that are tied to these lines are not present in the "sound" folder like all the other voice lines. I'm guessing these sound files are packed in with the regular sound effects (or possibly with enemy data), but they're hidden somewhere on the disk in places that I don't know how to access at this time.
    • List of known hidden voice lines: (Dialogue paraphrased from what is heard in-game)
      • Adam: "Samus, use your missles." - During first boss battle.
      • Samus: "Anthony!" - During Grapple Beam scene.
      • General grunts and noises by human characters.
  • Invalid Read error - When segments of the message_all file are changed too much to the point where the modded file is a number of kilobytes greater or less than the vanilla file, the game will crash and be stuck frozen until the game is powered down. This mod's translation has been thoroughly tested to eliminate this crash during normal play, but please keep this in mind if you decide to edit the message_all file yourself.
  • Subtitle timings don't match Japanese dialogue - This is set within the game's code itself and requires programming knowledge to change. See my later post (post #8) for more details.

Notice Regarding Voice Over/AI Projects: **Updated 6/27/2023**
While you may reference my re-translated script as part of your own projects, I humbly request that keep invitations for me to join projects to a minimum.
Similarly, I will not accept monetary payment or commercialization of this mod, or of the contents within, under any circumstances.
Please and thank you.

Version History:
0.1.0 - 1/18/23
- Initial Beta release containing the replacement video and audio files only. Tested for Theater Mode - still needs Base Game testing. Subtitles will be added in the next update.

0.2.0 - 3/6/23 - Second release introducing custom subtitles. This release has been designed for use in Theater Mode, and has yet to be tested in normal play.

1.0.0 - 6/26/23 - Official Release. Added media and custom subtitles for dialogue present in the normal campaign. Campaign play-tested from start to finish. Minor adjustments to prior subtitles to improve accuracy and readability. Overhauled XML document to allow mod to function within a singular Riivolution mod.
Last edited by ScaryHobbit,


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
Status update on the new subtitles:

The good news is that I've finished with the script itself.
The bad news is that I've come across technical difficulties that will delay my next update for a bit longer.

See, there are weird bugs going on with Notepad++ that, depending on how I was copy/pasting over lines and/or how I was typing in the subs, is causing thousands of characters to go missing, far beyond the actual size difference between the vanilla script in message_all.dat and the modified one.
How weird is it? Well, even if I copy/paste the original text back into my modded file, it's still missing all those characters even though the text is the exact same as Vanilla MOM!
(At most, the difference is supposed to be only 5 thousand. But somehow my modified .dat file was missing 15 thousand!)

This would cause errors ranging from the subtitles vanishing and skipping over entire scenes, to Invalid Read crashes on the Sideways Wii Remote message at Boot. YUCK.

Now, I think I've managed to find a workaround to get the subtitles to work properly - it's looking promising with game testing, but it involves copy/pasting each and every line within the brackets, one-by-one.
So yeah, because of that it's gonna be a bit longer. Hopefully not too much longer!


Editorial Team
Jan 17, 2013
Status update on the new subtitles:

The good news is that I've finished with the script itself.
The bad news is that I've come across technical difficulties that will delay my next update for a bit longer.

See, there are weird bugs going on with Notepad++ that, depending on how I was copy/pasting over lines and/or how I was typing in the subs, is causing thousands of characters to go missing, far beyond the actual size difference between the vanilla script in message_all.dat and the modified one.
How weird is it? Well, even if I copy/paste the original text back into my modded file, it's still missing all those characters even though the text is the exact same as Vanilla MOM!
(At most, the difference is supposed to be only 5 thousand. But somehow my modified .dat file was missing 15 thousand!)

This would cause errors ranging from the subtitles vanishing and skipping over entire scenes, to Invalid Read crashes on the Sideways Wii Remote message at Boot. YUCK.

Now, I think I've managed to find a workaround to get the subtitles to work properly - it's looking promising with game testing, but it involves copy/pasting each and every line within the brackets, one-by-one.
So yeah, because of that it's gonna be a bit longer. Hopefully not too much longer!

Why don't you try using Gedit instead of Notepad++?
It's the one I used for everything programming and it's fairly simple as text editing goes, even more than Notepad++ imo, perhaps that could help.
Btw would you mind explaining how are you editing the script file in detail, please (message_all.dat)?
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New Member
Mar 3, 2023
United States
Just went looking for a mod like this and was happy to find this. Really can't wait for the final version.

I've always felt Other M's plot was very misunderstood, particularly by those outside of Japan. So as videos like those by Lexicon Lookout and others came out I was happy to see that at least in some part, the more accurate story is being told.

I hope this also becomes a popular mod in sharing Other Ms full story with more Metroid fans!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Ooh can't wait for this to finish. I was watching the Japan version with the current subs and it's off in some places. So this can be played in Wii/Wii U if you swap out the files yourself?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
Why don't you try using Gedit instead of Notepad++?
It's the one I used for everything programming and it's fairly simple as text editing goes, even more than Notepad++ imo, perhaps that could help.
Btw would you mind explaining how are you editing the script file in detail, please (message_all.dat)?
Thanks for the tip Shadow.
I haven't been able to try Gedit yet, but I have finished going through my modded script, and it's fixed now. And, unlike the Lexicon script that I was experimenting with in my early tests, there's not a single crash in Theater Mode with this one!:yaywii:
So expect an update within days, if not later tonight.

So with that in mind, I'll try organizing everything I know about editing message_all.dat as well as my attempt to re-translate the game, because I have a lot to say about it:

FIRST THING'S FIRST: In order to re-translate Metroid: Other M, we need a written copy of the game's Japanese script - obviously!

Fortunately (though a bit late on my end, lol), everything we need is in message_all.dat - the same file we will be editing!
The catch though is that the JP text is typed in a unicode format, that is converted to Japanese lettering by the Wii itself.


To make this unicode legible on PC, we just need to do this one step:
Using Notepad++, select Encoding and switch from ANSI to UTF-8.


Now you can select and copy the Japanese text you need! The benefit to this is that you can also check the Japanese script for the in-gameplay dialogue from Adam and the tutorial doctor, and for the Menus, UI and Recap text, in addition to the story cutscenes.
I highly recommend making a duplicate copy of message_all (or multiple, given what I have to say coming up) so that you can have two instances side-by-side. That way you can easily edit one copy, and use the original to check your work.

Alternatively, you can download a Japanese script from Lexicon Lookout's Dropbox - his link is in the description for his video up top.
It's good for checking the script for the main story in Theater Mode, and comparing it to his own take. But it does not include everything else that message_all.dat has.

Message_all can be VERY touchy: The game is coded to read message_all.dat in a very specific way. It is possible to replace the text to an extent and have it show in-game, but if you change it too much - either by deleting/adding new lines, screwing too much with the file size and character count, or with the bug I had to deal with above - the game will crash with an Invalid Read error.


It's not necessarily due to the new file size being too big or too small, either, so you can't get around it simply by deleting the text for the unused language options. I believe the game might load or look up only specific parts of the file, and if that part of the file is too out of whack the game will then crash.

If you use Notepad++ like I did and it crashes on the Wii Remote message at boot, your best bet would probably be to make your edits in a separate file, then copy/paste your work into your actual mod file line-by-line.
If it crashes at a later point, it is possible to make a workaround in which you make a second file that picks up where the crash leaves off (It worked on my Lexicon test shown in my above picture. I might try doing what I did for my official edit at a later date to see if it fixes the Lexicon one as well.)

Subtitle Timings: Each line in message_all.dat is programmed to certain triggers or timestamps in the game's code. I don't know which file houses the code used for the subtitles or how to change this code, so the cutscene subs will not align perfectly with the modded videos. I was able to mostly work around this in my script, but it's definitely not ideal. For some lines, expect to have to read very fast!
If there is anyone with programming knowledge who's able to find these triggers in Other M's code and edit them, that would be extremely helpful.

Notes regarding Translation: While Lexicon's script does a great job at what it does and is a large improvement over the official localization, I found that there are a few areas were he embellishes his script beyond what is actually being spoken in Japanese. So I took a look at the Japanese script myself to write my own translation, which I will release in my next update.

Since I do not know how to read Japanese myself, I had to use AI translation website apps in my work. I used mainly DeepL Translate, with some Google Translate to cross-check for accuracy.
A person with actual knowledge on how to read and translate Japanese would be able to get much more accurate results.

DeepL Translate website:

In particular, AI often gets confused with things like pronouns, past/present tense, and singular/plural. I find these two programs do okay with most lines in conveying what is being said, but there a few lines that were unintelligible - these ones I had to clean up myself.

Here's a great write-up about all the different things that make translating between Japanese and English so difficult:

What I did in my work was to essentially make two scripts:
  1. A more or less "direct translation," with some of the more egregious AI flaws cleaned up but is mostly As Is.
  2. My cleaned-up version based off of 1.
Please note that I did not edit the script or the videos to be "better" plot or character-wise, but rather to try to make it more accurate.
The Ridley PTSD scene is just as bad in Japanese as it is in English, but cutting it out would throw the subtitles for the scene out of sync as well as mess with the creators' original vision.
Despite the story issues, I feel that what I was able to clean up has a lot less cringe than the official localization has, so it should help make the game more enjoyable overall.

Ooh can't wait for this to finish. I was watching the Japan version with the current subs and it's off in some places. So this can be played in Wii/Wii U if you swap out the files yourself?
It is possible to swap the files without using Riivolution, repackage the game back into an ISO, and play the modded content directly from the ISO.
However, I've only ever tested this on Dolphin and can't really endorse doing this on actual hardware right now. You would need to inject the modded ISO onto the system somehow as homebrew... and I definitely do NOT recommend overwriting the original disk!

This would involve copying the entire game to the Wii/Wii U hard drive (or reading it from an external drive or SD card, I don't know...), so that's 8GB of space.
I think it's actually better to use Riivolution instead - It functions the exact same way by swapping in the modded files in place of the original file, but it doesn't change the original files at all and it takes up less space, only adding the new stuff in the mod itself.
Last edited by ScaryHobbit,


Editorial Team
Jan 17, 2013
@ScaryHobbit thanks for the really detailed information, my friend :D
I wasn't aware that programs like Notepad++ or even Gedit could edit the message file directly.

Gedit seems to work as well with no issues, thought I might have to do a proper hex comparison to know if other things get modified after saving the file or not:

This will make adding or removing lines for Other M Redux really easy now. Like a hella lot easier for sure. Since I removed a lot of the lines, I can simply delete whatever I don't want and save the file that way, instead of doing Hex editing and replacing it all with spaces as I was doing previously.

Another thing I've been actually thinking on making was using some text to voice software to make Samus' suit read-out that certain features are being activated (since Redux gets rid of the authorization system for a suit auto-repair instead), using this one: with the very first female voice (Sally). Metroid Prime did have a female voice for the suit, and the Remaster has the option to toggle those on/off, so I could very well implement such a feature and replace Adam's lines about activating features for the Suit's female voice talking about activating them instead.

Another REALLY good option, and probably one you could be interested in, would be on taking the Japanese script comparison that's floating on YouTube, fixing up and localizing the lines properly for English, and then completely redo the lines in English with a speech/voice AI like that of ElevenLabs (we can do a limited amount of characters per month for free, around 10'000 per-month, but that's per-user, so we could abuse this if we have around 2-3 people doing them).
That AI can be trained by feeding it some voice samples, and then you can basically get whatever lines you'd want in the very same voice as the original voice actors, with emotions and all in the speech AI (not that Other M had much emotion in their voice lines tho).

The 1st one is an option I will do for sure (voicing the suit to tell the player some features have been restored), if I find a proper wording for the line (like "XXX functionality restored. Activating..." is something I'm thinking of), but the 2nd one would be really cool for a whole redux of Other M in English with the proper plotpoints from the japanese carried over. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
@ScaryHobbit thanks for the really detailed information, my friend :D
I wasn't aware that programs like Notepad++ or even Gedit could edit the message file directly.

Gedit seems to work as well with no issues, thought I might have to do a proper hex comparison to know if other things get modified after saving the file or not:
View attachment 357502

This will make adding or removing lines for Other M Redux really easy now. Like a hella lot easier for sure. Since I removed a lot of the lines, I can simply delete whatever I don't want and save the file that way, instead of doing Hex editing and replacing it all with spaces as I was doing previously.

Another thing I've been actually thinking on making was using some text to voice software to make Samus' suit read-out that certain features are being activated (since Redux gets rid of the authorization system for a suit auto-repair instead), using this one: with the very first female voice (Sally). Metroid Prime did have a female voice for the suit, and the Remaster has the option to toggle those on/off, so I could very well implement such a feature and replace Adam's lines about activating features for the Suit's female voice talking about activating them instead.

Another REALLY good option, and probably one you could be interested in, would be on taking the Japanese script comparison that's floating on YouTube, fixing up and localizing the lines properly for English, and then completely redo the lines in English with a speech/voice AI like that of ElevenLabs (we can do a limited amount of characters per month for free, around 10'000 per-month, but that's per-user, so we could abuse this if we have around 2-3 people doing them).
That AI can be trained by feeding it some voice samples, and then you can basically get whatever lines you'd want in the very same voice as the original voice actors, with emotions and all in the speech AI (not that Other M had much emotion in their voice lines tho).

The 1st one is an option I will do for sure (voicing the suit to tell the player some features have been restored), if I find a proper wording for the line (like "XXX functionality restored. Activating..." is something I'm thinking of), but the 2nd one would be really cool for a whole redux of Other M in English with the proper plotpoints from the japanese carried over. What do you think?

I saw an AI clip just like that today with one of the scenes from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. VERY interesting!

Right now I want to focus on this mod and keep improving on it until it's as game-compatible and user-friendly as possible.
Though, I am open to someone using the modded scripts I've made as a base for their own project. But maybe I can check out the AI voice stuff myself as well when this mod is done!

I hardly ever touched the HEX editor, lol. Though the HEX editor might be helpful in showing more of what causes Invalid Reads.
Post automatically merged:

Alright! Version 0.2.0 is out!

I've included two files in particular:
  • The modded message_all.dat that will be injected into the game.
  • A separate file for reference only, containing my "direct" translation using DeepL Translate (with some Google Translate). I included this one so you could see kindof my thought process in how I'm doing my translation in this mod. I'm planning on making this script playable in-game as well!
I'm probably going to take a small break for a few weeks, then come back and work on one of my To Do list items for the next update.
Let me know if you run into any issues!
Last edited by ScaryHobbit,


Editorial Team
Jan 17, 2013
I saw an AI clip just like that today with one of the scenes from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. VERY interesting!

Right now I want to focus on this mod and keep improving on it until it's as game-compatible and user-friendly as possible.
Though, I am open to someone using the modded scripts I've made as a base for their own project. But maybe I can check out the AI voice stuff myself as well when this mod is done!

I hardly ever touched the HEX editor, lol. Though the HEX editor might be helpful in showing more of what causes Invalid Reads.

Indeed, that AI technology is so cool, that it could certainly open up a lot more options for projects that don't have the original voice actors anymore, and for projects like this it is a godsend for fixing up weird dialogue and things that didn't get carried over from the Japanese script.
If you do find yourself trying that, let me know, I'd be interested in it as well!

As for the file itself, so what did you end up doing to avoid the invalid reads?
Did you simply remove other language's subtitles to reduce the size of the dat file? Or what did you end up doing?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
As for the file itself, so what did you end up doing to avoid the invalid reads?
Did you simply remove other language's subtitles to reduce the size of the dat file? Or what did you end up doing?
I basically copied each line, one-by-one, into a fresh message_all, and miraculously it worked!
It even is nearly the same file size as the vanilla file, and I didn't delete any of the other languages.
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Editorial Team
Jan 17, 2013
I basically copied each line, one-by-one, into a fresh message_all, and miraculously it worked!
It even is nearly the same file size as the vanilla file, and I didn't delete any of the other languages.
I'd be damned then lol
Happy that worked tho! And you didn't have to switch text editors neither :D
I'd probably continue with Gedit, since it's the main editor I use, I will try making some slight changes and comparing them in Hex to see their differences, if none arise other than the text itself, then I will continue that way.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
Is this mod using a translation using Lexicon’s script with some edits or is it entirely AI translated?
Currently no, this mod does not have Lexicon's script in it. It's just my own AI translated script.
There are a couple of places here and there where the script choices he came up with match with what I feel is best for the scene, but that's about it for the similarities.

I'd like to ask him for permission someday to add his script in with the mod, but I haven't done so yet. There are other areas that need attention first.


Editorial Team
Jan 17, 2013
Currently no, this mod does not have Lexicon's script in it. It's just my own AI translated script.
There are a couple of places here and there where the script choices he came up with match with what I feel is best for the scene, but that's about it for the similarities.

I'd like to ask him for permission someday to add his script in with the mod, but I haven't done so yet. There are other areas that need attention first.

What parts of the script do you consider are way better handled in Lexi's script compared to the original?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
What parts of the script do you consider are way better handled in Lexi's script compared to the original?
Well compared to the official english version, pretty much everything, lol!
Compared to a translated Japanese version, his version is fairly close to it though a couple things come to mind:
I like that Lexi has Samus specifically say that she brought the baby metroid to Ceres instead of "bringing it home" with her - the Japanese text oddly never mentions Ceres by name. It's better canonically, and helps establish Other M's place in the Metroid universe better.
I also really like how he replaced most of Samus's descriptions regarding immaturity ("I was immature", "I was young", "as if she were Madeline's daughter" with the description "Child".
In doing so he really solidifies one of the themes that was buried within the original script, which is emphasizing how dangerous being "childish" can be... for yourself and everyone around you.
...Which also ties in well with the other themes of parenthood in the game.

Also, a quick question regarding "Any objections, Lady?":
So the Japanese script and the English script are both consistent in showing that is Adam's catchphrase.
But I noticed when he sacrifices himself, there is a subtle change in how the Japanese phrase is worded, as the translation changes from "Any objections? Lady." to "No objections, Lady."
The official english version picks up on this difference somewhat ("No objections, right Lady?"), but Lexi ignores it and changes it to "Any objections, Lady?"

I can see a couple options as to what the phrase is supposed to mean, but I can't pinpoint exactly which the writers intended.
One option is that Adam is addressing Samus as if she were his superior, which is why I changed it in my script to "No objections, my Lady." Kind of a role reversal to their relationship prior.
The other option I see is that Adam - instead of asking her if she has any objections, he is bluntly telling her "No objections this time. What's done is done. I've made my choice."

So, I'd rather keep the "No objections" part since it's more accurate, but I'm debating whether to keep my script as No objections, my Lady or to change it back to just No objections, Lady. There's not much of a way to narrow the meaning down to one or the other, so I might as well pick a phrase and let readers decide for themselves.

Which do you prefer?


New Member
Mar 19, 2023
United States
I don't agree with the creative direction taken by the Maxximum edition, so I am very excited for this! That being said, the best version of this game would be the QoL and balance improvements made by the Maxximum team, without any of their creative choices (except for the purple gravity suit), with this translation patch. I hope that can be made some day.


New Member
Mar 22, 2023
United States
I created an account here just to say this is amazing. I have played about an hour so far and it's way way better than the original crap English translations. Thank you for making this game playable as the original Japanese version is.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
United States
I created an account here just to say this is amazing. I have played about an hour so far and it's way way better than the original crap English translations. Thank you for making this game playable as the original Japanese version is.
You're welcome!
How is performance handling with the mod turned on? Are you just in Theater Mode, or have you tried it while playing through the campaign?
I have yet to do a full playthrough of the campaign myself to make sure there aren't any bugs during gameplay.

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