ROM Hack You Don't Know Jack 2011 - Mod with DLC


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
United States
Mod in Progress

You Don't Know Jack - Wii, had 74 episodes. PS3 and X-Box had 4 Jack Pack DLCs with 10 episodes each that were not available on the Wii.

I would like to add the DLC to the Wii edition like what was done here:

The PS3 DLC is findable as links direct from PSN.
Do not ask me for the links. It is easily findable if you know "where to download PS3 PSN PKG files".

The DLC and game can be installed in RPCS3. The RPCS3 "Utilities - Decrypt PS3 Binaries" menu can be used to decrypt the .edat files. Once decrypted, remove the ".edat.unedat" extension.

Once decrypted, the files work as-is in the PC version. The DLC is playable.

Not so on the Wii. After selecting a DLC episode, it gets stuck on the "Loading.." screen.

Once the DLC is installed in RPCS3, it can be found in rpcs3\dev_hdd0\game\BLUS30569\USRDIR\DLC_001 to _004.
The text below will show DLC_001, but the steps need to be done with all 4 DLC directories.

First thing to do is open DLC_001\jacktool\episodes\Episodes.jel and copy the episode selection text and paste it to the bottom of the Wii You Don't Know Jack [SKJE78]:\files\jacktool\episodes\Episodes.jel.

FSB files in DLC_001\jacktool\audiobanks\ need to have their WAV files extracted and repacked as GCADPCM (GameCube ADPCM) WAVs and then put back in the FSB files.

The PS3 audio files have "Sample Mode Flags [0x00400020]"

They need to be converted to:
"Sample Mode Flags [0x02001020]"
0x20 | FSOUND_MONO |
0x1000 | FSOUND_HW3D |
0x2000000 | FSOUND_GCADPCM |

USM Video files in DLC_001\videos need have the video extracted, shrunk from 1280x504 to 480x360 and repacked.

The ZIP files in DLC_001\zip need to be extracted. The DDS files in the jacktool\prizes\ zip-folder need to be resized and recompressed.
This is the easiest one. The DDS files are resized using: texconv.exe. Further info here.
There are 2 file sizes. 1024x1024 and 512x512. Resize each separately without mipmaps.

(1024x1024 BC2_UNORM 2D) get resized to (512x512 BC1_UNORM 2D)
texconv.exe -w 512 -h 512 -f BC1_UNORM -m 1 -o .\new *.dds

(512x512 BC2_UNORM 2D) get resized to (256x256 BC1_UNORM 2D)
texconv.exe -w 256 -h 256 -f BC1_UNORM -m 1 -o .\new *.dds

I am looking into how to do steps 1&2.
I think I have it all figured out, just need time to do it.

FSB files in DLC_001\jacktool\audiobanks\
In the FSB files, there are WAV files named jacktool_platforms_1_1.wav to 1_7.wav. These files have to do with what button is pressed. The PS3 files speak about PS3 specific buttons. So these files should just be ripped from the Wii files.

The other WAV files with Episode in their name are the PS3 files that need to be converted to GameCube.

FSB Extractor did not make good WAV files.
Music Player Ex does.

From there, I guessing we convert them to GameCube files using dspadpcm.exe from the GameCube SDK. I'm hoping one day there will be an Internet Archive that preserves these files for history.
Last edited by Ape8000,

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