I had a weird conversation over MSN.. It was just to weird. Read at own risk! 

Mate: ZOMG surprise buttsex
Me: I already predicted and put peanutbutter in it! Now your mom can lick it off~!
Mate: thats exactly what ur mom did yesterday (6)
Me: That was my dog
Mate: you have a weird ass mom then
Me: My dad has a weird taste..
Mate: yes you son of a DAWG?
Me: Better than a squirel!
Mate: yes then you can get SquirrelAIDS
Me: Don't mess with it! My dog/squirrel brother died because of it!
Mate: awwww... (muhuhahahaha)
Me: I already predicted and put peanutbutter in it! Now your mom can lick it off~!
Mate: thats exactly what ur mom did yesterday (6)
Me: That was my dog
Mate: you have a weird ass mom then
Me: My dad has a weird taste..
Mate: yes you son of a DAWG?
Me: Better than a squirel!
Mate: yes then you can get SquirrelAIDS
Me: Don't mess with it! My dog/squirrel brother died because of it!
Mate: awwww... (muhuhahahaha)