Malice - AOP - Shrak - X-Men / Quake MOD install + information


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Tested Port : Quakespasm-Spiked v.1.5
Author: Rinnegatamante
Description: Advanced and modern Quake source port with limits removed and high mods compatibility.

colored lights LIGHTS.PAK : NOT TESTED
Tested System : PSTV CFW Henkaku 3.65 (used original vita memory card)

Install main from Rinnegatamante :
- Place the data folder in ux0:/data?
How to use soundtrack:
- Create a folder in ux0:/data/Quakespasm/id1 and call it music
- Place the audio tracks renamed as track01, track02, ... in ogg or mp3 format in this folder.
- The same can be done for any mission pack or mod folder. YES

Install colored lights from Rinnegatamante :
The simplest way to get colored lights in Quake is to download this package: ... -lightmaps
Grab LIGHTS.PAK file and place it in your vitaQuake installation (where pak0.pak is) and rename LIGHTS.PAK as if it's a normal pak (so if you have pak0 and pak1, rename it pak2.pak). That package has colored lights support for the two official mission packs too.?

Malice 1997 (total conversion Quake)

1 - folder Quakespasm / id1 / HIPNOTIC / ROGUE
2 - create new folder in Quakespasm / MALICE
3 - copy from PC version PAK0.PAK , PAK1.PAK , PAK2.PAK , PAK3.PAK
4 - create new folder in MALICE / music
5 - copy track02.ogg - track10.ogg into them
6 - start the normal Quake game with bubble
7 - enter Option - Select Mod - Malice

The game will start fine without any problems. In the first Map the music track from the original Q1 will play. But when the first Map ends with the result sreen the right Malice music will play. After that there will come tons of ingame videos. The first two videos will play fine, after the 3 video the game will crash. There are some texture errors, this is also in the original Q1 game and can fix with save and load and close and start the game again.
Result : Only Map 1 playable, crash on start video 3. Fix with PS3 controller and Go To Console not possible, for enter skip Map cheat. Need intro video Fix.

Update Malice MOD Intro Video error :
The problem is not the intro video, the error comes from loading MAP2. I had create a save file from PC system s0.sav and put it into the Malice folder. Game will crash, its not working with Quakespasm, only first MAP1.
Update Malice Music Fix Map1 and Intro Video :
Fixed the correct Map01 music and Intro video music. For the first Map01 just create a save file and close the game and start again and load your save file, now the right music is playing. Fix the music for the Intro video he wants a Track00 and Track01, just copy and replace one of them.

Still unplayable !

Abyss of Pandemonium - The Final Mission (unofficial commercial partial conversion for Quake)

1 - go into folder Quakespasm / id1 / HIPNOTIC / ROGUE
2 - create new folder in Quakespasm / Abyss
3 - copy from PC version PAK0.PAK , PAK1.PAK , PAK2.PAK , PAK3.PAK, PAK4.PAK
4 - create new folder in Abyss / music
5 - copy track02.ogg - track11.ogg into them
6 - start the normal Quake game with bubble
7 - enter Option - Select Mod - Abyss

Result : Still testing, game will start, currently no crash fround. The right music will play on MAP1, but will stop on result screen and no music on MAP2. Need more testing.
Update : MAP1 has music, the result screen has music but need waiting time, MAP2 has no music, MAP3,4,5 has music.
Update : Fixed the music for ALL Maps. This MOD want track00 and track01, instead of track02 as first track.
Done complete game on easy difficulty, perfect playable.

X-Men The Ravages of Apocalypse

1 - go into folder Quakespasm / id1 / HIPNOTIC / ROGUE
2 - create new folder in Quakespasm / XMEN
3 - copy from PC version PAK0.PAK , PAK1.PAK , PAK2.PAK , PAK3.PAK
4 - create new folder in XMEN / music
5 - copy track02.ogg - track07.ogg into them
6 - start the normal Quake game with bubble
7 - enter Option - Select Mod - XMEN

Result : Game will work and the right music track on MAP1 is working to. Need more testing.

Shrak (unofficial commercial total conversion mod developed by Quantum Axcess)

1 - go into folder Quakespasm / id1 / HIPNOTIC / ROGUE
2 - create new folder in Quakespasm / SHRAK
3 - copy from PC version PAK0.PAK
4 - create new folder in SHRAK / music
5 - copy track02.ogg - track14.ogg into them
6 - start the normal Quake game with bubble
7 - enter Option - Select Mod - SHRAK

Result : Game work, the right music start on MAP1 (after select difficulty). Need more testing.

list of need testing :

Aftershock for Quake (1996) : ?
Earth Quake (1996) : ?
Q!Zone For Quake (1996) : ?
Tremor (1997) : ?
Quad Damage (1998) : ?
Quake: Episode 5 - Dimension of the Past (2016) : WORKING (complete working, topic page 1 post 3)
Quoth (Author: Kell & necros) Partial conversion : NOT WORKING (topic page 1 post 3)

Still all on testing, many thanks to Rinnegatamante, Malice is still working but sadly crash on intro video. Great work so far ! :)
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Update :

Abyss of Pandemonium - The Final Mission MOD

Game is complete playable from start to the end, also music is working on all maps (only map2 has still no music ?). There was no errors or any mistake and all puzzles and keys doors was working. Tested on easy difficulty with lowest enemy number. Great port that will play MODs !


Still not find any Fix, unplayable.

Also done original Quake 1 on Nightmare difficulty with PS3 controller, there was no slowdowns and complete playable.
Last edited by peter8,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Update :

Quake Episode 5 Dimension of the Past
(MachineGames June 22, 2016 - download is free) :
Installation: Create "dopa" folder in your Quakespasm directory and copy pak0.pak into them.
Its also possible to add a music folder and own ogg files. This is huge update for this port. :)

Abyss of Pandemonium : Fixed the music for ALL Maps. This MOD want track00 and track01, instead of track02 as first track.
Now 100% Fixed ! Perfect

Malice : My install folder was missing PAK4.PAK, I had see it on some folders found on google. But this will also not help, game still crash on Map02 ! But Fixed the correct Map01 music and Intro video music. For the first Map01 just create a save file and close the game and start again and load your save file, now the right music is playing. Fix the music for the Intro video he wants a Track00 and Track01, just copy and replace one of them. Still unplayable !

Quoth (Author: Kell & necros) Partial conversion :
This MOD will load, but crash on first Map01, unplayable !

Done original Quake 1 on Nightmare difficulty with PS3 controller, there was no slowdowns and complete playable.
Done MP1 Scourge of Armagon on Nightmare difficulty with PS3 controller, there was no slowdowns and complete playable.
Done MP2 Dissolution of Eternity on Nightmare difficulty with PS3 controller, there was no slowdowns and complete playable.
Done Abyss of Pandemonium on Easy difficulty with PS3 controller, there was no slowdowns and complete playable.
Done E5 Dimension of the Past on Easy difficulty with PS3 controller, there was no slowdowns and complete playable.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Update - Quakespasm-Spiked v.1.6

Changelog (v.1.6):
- Renamed Mouse Speed option to Touch Sensitivity.
- Added two new options under Advanced Options to adjust analog sensitivity (Joy X/Y Sensitivity).
- Increased available memory for the engine (Potentially allowing more demanding mods to work)
- Updated to latest vitaGL version.
- Fixed a bug making impossible to adjust Y axis gyroscope in the options menu.
- Fixed a bug making impossible to reduce X axis gyroscope value in the options menu.
- Fixed a bug making impossible to invoke keyboard on game console (Pressing Triangle now correctly invokes it).
- Fixed a bug making Use Retrotouch option to be always On even when showed as Off.
- Fixed a bug making so that touchscreen input would spam Fire actions.
- Fixed a bug making so that touchscreen sometimes didn't properly move camera on the Y axis.
- Fixed a bug causing some textures to sporadically render glitched.
Post automatically merged:

Testing v.1.6 :

I had play the last year v.1.5 intense up and down all of Quake Mission Packs and MODS on Nightmare difficulty and it was perfect working without any crash, only some texture errors here and there.
Now I had test the new update v.1.6 and the first maps from each MP or MOD has no texture errors and are FIXED ! Million thanks rinne for your re-work on this great update. There is only 1 MOD that will just not work on old version or on this new update version, its Malice, after the intro video it crash. This is not a problem from rinne, Malice is the most difficulty MOD and even I was only get it running on PC with drakplaces source port. Maybe its a good idea to bring a extra release for Malice, maybe with a different source port. But the videos from Malice are complete texture error free ! Otherwise Quakespasm is perfect working for all other Mission Packs and Mods.

Main List of MP and MODS :

Quake 1 - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! - Working
Mission Pack 1 Scourge of Armagon - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! - Working
Mission Pack 2 Dissolution of Eternity - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! - Working
Quake Episode 5 Dimension of the Past - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! - Working
Abyss of Pandemonium (unofficial conversion) - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! - Working
Shrak - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! - Working
X-Men The Ravages of Apocalypse - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! - Working
Malice 1997 - v.1.6 texture error FIXED ! Crash after intro Video ! - NOT Playable

Malice - need extra Port over darkplaces
2012-12-22 - fixed playback of intro demos in Malice game.

I need more time to play all again on Nightmare difficulty for the Final Test, otherwise this Port is now Polish ! Dont need any update anymore, otherwise Malice is the only one not working mod.
Thanks rinne
Last edited by peter8,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Final Test v.1.6 :

verdict :
The new update is mostly perfect and polish ! Have done Q1 and the MP1 & 2 on hardest difficulty Nightmare, also testing speedrun and inactive test. This Port was not one time crash ! Textures are mostly fixed, there are some little texture mistakes here and there, but must pitty to see it. Million thanks, great update. I am fine. Only Malice MOD need fix, otherwise done !

Quake 1 - Nightmare difficulty = perfect working v.1.6
Mission Pack 1 Scourge of Armagon - Nightmare difficulty = perfect working / v.1.6
Mission Pack 2 Dissolution of Eternity - Nightmare difficulty = perfect working / v.1.6
Quake Episode 5 Dimension of the Past - Easy difficulty = perfect working / v.1.6
others work to...

Mission done...

What next ?
rinne, we need 2 more updates. The one is Exhumed Powerslave it need music fix, there are ogg strings in PCExhumed, so it should work. And the second is Alien VS Predator, the music is working over the FMV folder, but you had deactivate it and its not working. Please open the FMV folder.

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