LTTP: Mass Effect series [SPOILERS]

  • Thread starter Deleted_171835
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So I beat Mass Effect a couple months ago. Story and the lore was great but the gameplay left a lot to be desired. Shooting just didn't feel right, Shepard drove the Mako like he was high and what should have been exploration of vast open worlds felt more like I was playing a corridor shooter.


- Saved Wrex (because he's a BAMF)
- Saved Ashley
- Set free the Rachni Queen
- Saved the council


A couple days back, I beat Mass Effect 2. In terms of gameplay, it was better. Shooting felt better, the RPG elements were simplified and the cover system was much improved.

Story-wise, I think it was a downgrade from the previous game. The vast majority of the game is performing mostly useless loyalty missions for various squadmates. They didn't make it clear why exactly The Illusive Man was important (guessing they go more into in ME3) and the suicide mission just felt less dramatic than the final one in the first game. New characters were pretty great, though (Mordin, Legion, Than in particular). All in all, it was overall better than Mass Effect 2.

Oh and in retrospect, I shouldn't have saved Ashley. That xenophobic bitch had the audacity to call me a terrorist for working with Cerberus. RIP Kaiden Alenko.

- Killed Morinth in Samara's loyalty mission
- Rewriting the heretic geth collective
- Did not sell Legion to Cerberus
- Half of the Normandy crew survived
- Saved Maelon's genophage data
- Romanced Miranda (Yvonne Strahotski, :33)
- EVERYBODY DIES (Tali, Thane, Legion, Garrus, Jack
- Preserved the Collector Base


I'm going to buy Mass Effect 3 from Origin soon (no spoilers please) and I'm wondering if I should play it with the Leviathan DLC and Extended Cut or whether I should play it without any of that and simply stick with the original ending.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2010
Outer Space
I just finished all the three games a couple of days ago (a whole week of playing the series straight). I can easily say this:

Mass Effect:
+ Epic Story
+ Pretty good gameplay
+ Voice acting amazing
+ I may be the only one, but I love driving the Mako around.
+ Had the highest playtime of the whole series (60+ hours to finish every single mission)
- A little glitch, but far better than my first play through
Stats: Saved Wrex, Kaidan, Rachni Queen and Council, made Saren shoot himself, Liara T'Soni is my romance after a heated fight with Ashley Williams, Chose Anderson for the council.

Mass Effect 2:
+- Story: I'm not certain if it's good or mediocre, I only know it's not as good as the original game's story.
+ Badass gameplay
+ Badass soundtrack
+ Pretty neat locations
+ Good to meet old characters, even though some (Kaidan Alenko) are just annoying this time around
+ Normandy SR-2
+ Joker's jokes/rivalry with EDI
+ Playing with Joker
- Way too many DLC
- Most of the game is getting a team.
Stats: Killed Morinth, Rewrite Geth, Legion safe on my team, Saved genophage data, Destroyed collector's base, No one died during the suicidal mission, Romanced Liara T'Soni, even though it didn't count at all.

Mass Effect 3:
+ Story: My first playthrough, played it with the Extended Cut DLC, and, even if the ending were to be screwed, the story throughout the game until that point was 5 stars.
+ Characters not standing in the same place in the ship.
+ Epic gameplay, best of the series
+ Nice to meet old Cerberus team.
+ Kai Leng
+ Every story mission
+ Killing Udina (I've always wanted to do that).
+ Smaller team, still better than a massive team, makes choices easier.
- Annoyances and bugs that existed since version 1.0 (played with patch 1.04).
- The citadel is redesigned again, Omega too... I really would have liked to have a constant design, s that I won't get lost.
- ...Well, no difficult choices, like the Kaidan/Ashley or Suicide mission
Stats: Romanced Liara T'Soni, Suggested EDI and Joker to be together, Thane, Mordin, Legion and Kasumi Goto (never met her) died, along with EDI and the Geth during the ending, Cured Genophege, Reprogrammed the geth to be friendly with everyone, Destroy ending, Shepherd is alive.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
With ME3, I say play through it first and get the original ending. Then get the extended cut ending. Decide which one you like better. Personally, I thought the original ending was fitting and was great.
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Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
I liked the first game's story a lot more than the second. Still, the first game was definitely really flawed. Glitchy, ugly, long load times, and the gameplay wasn't great either.

I know a lot of people bitch about the second game being a "TPS with RPG elements" instead of the first game's "RPG with TPS elements" but I liked it that way. However I felt the story and cast were weaker than the first.

The third game is my favorite. The story was really good, just how it brought everything to a gripping conclusion. Only thing I would complain about really is the cast. They could've had both casts to choose from so you could see how your ME characters mix with your ME2 characters. However it made me like the second game's characters a lot more. Like seeing Thane and Grunt in that game made me like them more than in ME2. But best gameplay of the series and surprisingly amazing multiplayer.
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Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
I was also in the "Original ending was fine" camp, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to play without the extended cut. Isn't it automatically included now?

In any case, I would recommend trying the suicide mission again. I'm not going to spoil anything, but without those characters... things won't be too pretty.



I'll be modifying my Mass Effect 2 save file to revive everyone but Jack. No way am I playing Mass Effect 3 without mah bro, Garrus.

And I'm playing the PC version so I dunno if the DLC is included.

+ Badass soundtrack
Overall I think the first Mass Effect had the better soundtrack.

And yeah, I nominated Captain Anderson as well.


So yeah, I beat Mass Effect 3.

The story was pretty good through out the game...but then there's the ending. I didn't completely hate the ending wanting to burn down Bioware's HQ and sentence the writers to death but I didn't think it was very good either. The Extended Cut and Leviathan DLC improved some of the confusing parts of the ending and elaborated on certain crucial parts of the story, though.

- The whole "created will always rebel against the creators" was a bunch of bullshit. So to stop synthetics from killing organics, we create synthetics to kill organics. wat.


And doesn't achieving peace between the Geth and Quarians contradict this fact?

On Rannoch, a Reaper you speak to said that their reasons for all this are a thing "you cannot comprehend". Yet at the end of Mass Effect 3, the reason is explained to Shepard that they're killing ("harvesting) organics before they get killed by synthetics. That's some convoluted horseshit right there.

- I've read some criticisms on the ending and one point that came up often was the lack of a so-called "happy ending". I have no complaints with the ending there. With the galaxy at war with the biggest threat they have ever encountered, it would be ridiculously unrealistic for everyone to come out unscathed with Shepard and Garrus happily drinking a beer down by the beach.

- Whatever happened to your choices through-out the series having a huge impact on the ending? In the end, you're left choosing between three endings that are pretty much the same regardless of what you've done through-out the game. To make this worst is the fact that the endings utilize much of the same imagery just with different colours (mitigated a bit in Extended Cut).

Regarding the general story, I felt Cereberus's role as a terrorist organization a bit jarring. In Mass Effect 1, they come across as a simple group of anarchists but this changes quite a bit in Mass Effect 2. And now in Mass Effect 3, they're suddenly one huge organization capable of invading the fucking Citadel. If they're capable of all that, what was the point of spending all that time reviving Shepard in 2.

But it makes complete fucking sense that only 50% of Hammer made it. After all, they were using Makos.

The sub-par ending aside, the missions you go on are some of the best in the series. The mission on Tuchanka where you're curing the Genophage was one of the best missions I've played in the Mass Effect series (Wrex being a BAMF as well as Mordin's heroic death). As was the mission on Rannoch where you take down a whole fucking Reaper and unite the Geth and Quarians, that felt good. There were a lot of silly side-quests (get x thing for random citizen) for War Assets but I modified my save to get max assets so I didn't have to bother with them.

No complaints with the sound-track. Loved most of the tracks.

Overall even with all my complaints, I still enjoyed Mass Effect 3 a lot and my journey through the series as a whole. Looking forward to playing Mass Effect 4 and seeing how it builds upon the lore established by previous games.

Mass Effect 2 > Mass Effect 3 = Mass Effect 1


Bakayaro Banzai
Aug 5, 2011
United States
The whole "created will always rebel against the creators" was a bunch of bullshit. So to stop synthetics from killing organics, we create synthetics to kill organics. wat.

I've seen this critique before, and while it makes for a funny joke, it isn't quite accurate. The Reapers aren't really synthetic (they're more of a synthesis between organic and synthetic life), and they don't kill the organics (or at least, all of them) - they "convert" them into Reapers as a form of eternal preservation.

Which means that every time you kill a reaper, you're committing the final act of xenocide on that race. Geez, that's an unpleasant thought.

And doesn't achieving peace between the Geth and Quarians contradict this fact?

Absolutely. The Reapers are too enamored in their doctrine to even consider that they may be wrong, but the Geth/Quarian resolution (assuming you handle it right) is proof to Shepard (and by extension, the audience) that the Reapers are wrong.

On Rannoch, a Reaper you speak to said that their reasons for all this are a thing "you cannot comprehend". Yet at the end of Mass Effect 3, the reason is explained to Shepard that they're killing ("harvesting) organics before they get killed by synthetics. That's some convoluted horseshit right there.

Well, it's a mix of bluster (Going all the way back to Sovereign, they have a tendency of talking themselves up) and to it, you're still a nobody, a mere spec that thinks itself a giant. At the end, by accessing the Crucible where every other civilization has failed, you've "proved" your worth.

Besides, it's not exactly like the Reaper had loads of time to explain the Reaper code of conduct and their lengthy justifications for such a process.

I've read some criticisms on the ending and one point that came up often was the lack of a so-called "happy ending". I have no complaints with the ending there. With the galaxy at war with the biggest threat they have ever encountered, it would be ridiculously unrealistic for everyone to come out unscathed with Shepard and Garrus happily drinking a beer down by the beach.

Glad to see someone else agree.

This argument always confuses me. I see people praise the games for their Lovecraftian influence and then criticize the lack of a happy conclusion. Like, guys, you know how Lovecraft's stories ended, right?

Whatever happened to your choices through-out the series having a huge impact on the ending? In the end, you're left choosing between three endings that are pretty much the same regardless of what you've done through-out the game. To make this worst is the fact that the endings utilize much of the same imagery just with different colours (mitigated a bit in Extended Cut).

I think this is a mix of three things.

1) "The Ending" - I think people make a mistake in assuming the ending is just the very last section of the game. It's a trilogy, and as such, the game itself is the series' third act; it's one long, denouement. When you take that into account, the consequences of your actions (Who's left standing, who's doing what, etc.) does play a large role. Whether it be through direct encounters or in the war assets you acquire. While some may wish it was more involved, there's the issue of...

2) Technical Limitations - Going into the third game, Bioware stated that the third game had to factor something like one million variables. That's a whole lot of data to keep straight between every possible playthrough, and unfortunately, it doesn't come cheap. Cutscenes, dialogue (especially considering that Shepard alone has two separate voice tracks), locations, they all add up. While I would've loved more, it's an unfortunate reality that not everything could be relayed directly. While I wish more could have been done, and that there were a few missteps, I think Bioware made a good overall compromise. Besides...

3) It's about the journey - I think people all too often make the mistake of thinking that if a choice doesn't net you radically different results, it's meaningless. The plot structure may have to be maintained, but it's the context of those choices (Who did you have to become to get there? Did you save everyone you could? etc.) that add meaning. Sure, the final cutscenes may have been only slightly altered, but their implications are vastly different.

For another good example, see The Walking Dead. No matter what, certain people live, and certain people die, but that doesn't make the ending any less impactful or powerful. The toll of the journey ways on you - the final epilogue is just icing on the bittersweet cake.

Regarding the general story, I felt Cereberus's role as a terrorist organization a bit jarring. In Mass Effect 1, they come across as a simple group of anarchists but this changes quite a bit in Mass Effect 2. And now in Mass Effect 3, they're suddenly one huge organization capable of invading the fucking Citadel. If they're capable of all that, what was the point of spending all that time reviving Shepard in 2.

Cerberus was retconned big time between ME1 and ME2 - even the backstories change. I don't think there was any shift between ME2 and ME3, though. It's pretty clear in the second game that The Illusive Man was using Shepard to further his own agenda and advance Cerberus' power (acquiring technology, removing obstacles, etc.). Whether or not you gave him the Collector Base, you've helped him tremendously - exactly as planned.

Plus, they never exactly pretended to be tiny. They had the resources to bring someone back from the dead and facilities like the one housing Project Overlord all over the galaxy. They didn't come outright and say it, but they were clearly no slouches.

Plus, if I remember correctly, they discuss it somewhat in the game, so it's not entirely unremarked on.

There were a lot of silly side-quests (get x thing for random citizen) for War Assets but I modified my save to get max assets so I didn't have to bother with them.

The side quest structure was a bit goofy, but I appreciated how they tried to tie it all in to the main plot. All of them contribute in some way to the ongoing war effort, which I thought was a nice touch.

(Not all of these points are directly at you - most of them are pretty general as a whole. And glad to hear you enjoyed the game!)[/quote][/quote]
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Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
It's also worth noting the multiplayer is actually quite fantastic and would be a solid standalone game itself. BioWare and EA (FUCK EA = HITLER) have really gone a long way to make the multiplayer amazing. Every DLC pack is free and it really transforms the game. A ton of maps, characters, abilities, builds, it's really quite in-depth and probably my favorite survival-type multiplayer ever.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
I started replaying through the trilogy a few weeks ago, and I'm still only up to ME2, I've been exploring every part of the games. My biggest gripe with ME2 is the damn mining of the planets, it can take forever.

I've been playing it on the Insanity difficulty and I have to say, it really gives you a sense of how big a threat the reapers, geth, etc are.

I was also one of the ones that were fine with the original ending, I didn't find it confusing, it left a lot open for interpretation which is something that I really enjoyed out of it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
United States
I started replaying through the trilogy a few weeks ago, and I'm still only up to ME2, I've been exploring every part of the games. My biggest gripe with ME2 is the damn mining of the planets, it can take forever.
Now, imagine if you played the game prior to the patch that increased the mining speed by 100% like I did...

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