life's pretty damn good right now


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Lali ho!

Those of you who read my previous blog will know simply from the Lali ho having an exclamation mark that it's good news this time. In fact, life seems to be pretty much all good news lately. Read on at how fate rewards me for surviving the waves of bullshit I was drowning in some months ago.

- While I like my job, I'm afraid I can't say the same for some of my co workers. Sammy is a lazy fat bitch, Aman is power mad and pretty much incapable of taking responsibility for anything, and Mandeep is...well, he's a cunt. No easier way of saying it. He stands around in the stock room swigging from a can of 5Alive and checking his phone rather than say doing any work at all. Well good news. Sammy's been sacked (the official line is that she's leaving for greener pastures but it's blatant that she's been sacked), Aman has lost his authority as supervisor after one too many fuck ups, and Mandeep is mere seconds away from getting his arse kicked to the curb as rumours state he was caught skiving off by the regional manager. So I don't have to tolerate any of them giving me shit any more. It means that now the only people I answer to are the management team and Crystal, the one remaining supervisor, who I get on reasonably well with. Technically as I'm pretty much a supervisor myself I only have to answer to the managers, but since Crystal has been there much longer than me I tend to differ to her orders also, they're normally sound tactics.

- My manager has acknowledged that I was badly underpaid this month, with far too many hours missing. The money will be in my next paycheck (I don't mind, I don't actually need it right now) and as my contract has now been fully upgraded from part time to full time and as such I now work 30 hours a week instead of 10, my next pay slip is gonna be fucking EPIC.

- The money I did get paid was enough to slake my lust for an eBay rampage for the month and still have enough left to eat tasty food whenever I want and buy a shitload of new games. Not least of which is my new shiny copy of Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition for my 360. It's mysteriously been shipped out nearly a week early, as I'm not meant to get it until at the very least Friday. Considering that I paid £27.50 for the original game, which was huge, plus every single expansion item ever created for it, which must double its size, and now it's arriving way ahead of schedule, I think I'll be buying from the GAME website a lot more frequently.

- I was allowed to play my own music while I dealt with the delivery at work today. Made a nice change from the rage of Eminem droning out of Dean's stereo. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the songs. But he plays the same ones every bloody hour of every bloody day. I hooked my MP4 player up to a set up cheap plug-in speakers and had my own tunes on. Odd side effects occured when one of the girls dropped by to find a pair of shoes. I'd let the thing run through the standard playlist, wasn't really listening. So it was the piano version of Tifa's theme from Advent Children playing. My colleague had never heard it before and thought it was beautiful. She was stunned when I said it was from a game. Strange but true. Now she seems to think of me as some sort of super sensitive artistic guy because I had music on that wasn't about hoes and violence. Wierd...

- I have tomorrow off. Hopefully DAO:UE will show up in the morning so I can spend all day playing it. Well, about an hour installing it then all day after that playing it. From what I gather the expansions take up over 4GB so it might take a while. Either way my Red Dwarf box set should arrive in the morning so if there's no Darkspawn to slay for a day or two I should be fine. I also have the entire first season of Monty Python's Flying Circus to get through, got it from Tesco last night for a mere £3. Even if most of it turns out to be crap, it was worth the 3 quid for the dead parrot sketch.

- Even if it all goes pear shaped and the post whore (we don't exactly see eye to eye...) brings me nothing, I still have Red Dead Redemption, HAWX 2, NFS Undercover, Tony Hawk's Project 8, Star Ocean Last Hope, Lost Oddysey, Last Remnant, Tales Of Vesperia, Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls, FF 6,7,8,9 and 10, my replay of Mass Effects 1+2 so I can keep Tali alive this time, Red Alert 3, Burnout Revenge, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Ace Combats X and X2 and about a billion DS, SNES, NES, PS1, Mega Drive and GBA roms to get through. If I can find a way to be bored tomorrow, then I have officially eaten my own brain.

- I've taken to liking a type of bread from my local store called the Tiger Loaf. They come about a foot long and are absolutely delicious, especially when they're fresh from the bakery. Best bit? 50P a loaf at the moment, which means its actually cheaper to eat delicious fresh bread than the Tesco Value no frills poison. I have two loaves to get through over the next week or so. I'm keeping them bagged up in my room though. They'll stay fresh until the bags are opened, only this way my room smells faintly of fresh bread

- Now that my friend has stabilized his rather hectic life, we're once again looking to get a flat together. Not in a homo erotic way. We're just friends, and it makes good financial sense to have a room mate. May as well be my best friend for the last decade rather than some crack whore. Although if I get an offer to live with a gorgeous young girl then sorry Kev, I'm gonna have to bail. I think that's fair.

- On the subject of, you don't want to hear about that.

- I worked out that I still have just barely enough to get Force Unleashed 2 on Friday if I want. I might not bother though, the first one was great fun but too short to be worth retail price. Might wait til the second one hits the January sales.

- Since my contract has been upgraded and I'm soon to be swimming in money, Scrooge McDuck style, I'll most certainly be buying myself a 3DS on launch day. With cash. Not bought a brand new console in years, I normally have to settle for preowned. Not this time. All new, all mine, plus if I have enough saved, every single decent launch title. After seeing the new footage from the front page, I can't wait.

Well, that's about it this time. No bad news to tip the scales back the other way either. Unless you count the continuing presence of my dumb little brother hogging the tv every hour god sends to be a problem. But what do I care? I have my own tv which he can't get within ten feet of, hooked up to a vast array of gaming devices including my SNES, N64, PS2, Xbox 360 and Gamecube, with my handheld collection sitting nearby. He can have the busted static-filled tv downstairs, it's about to blow up anyway. I'll stick to mine and get back to Red Dead Redemption. Toodles.


'Hey, that one wasn't my fault. They're twins. I'd had a lot to drink, they look really similar, and you know, sometimes the hand just slips.'


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
My hourly rate is £5.93. Nothing fantastic but I make up for it with a tonne of hours. Certainly enough to keep my Paypal account working overtime and my 360 well supported. My hourly rate goes up every time I'm given more responsibilities though. Since I'll most likely be taking over Aman's duties now, I can expect a more significant wage increase soon. Plus I'm now working 30 hours a week AFTER breaks are taken out, so I'm earning more than enough to get by.


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
I earn enough to pay my bills and still get myself plenty of shiny things. That suits me for now. I also have enough money to treat my lady friend properly with flowers and the like so life's good.

My Red Dwarf box set and the Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition both arrived in the post today. Life is officially sweet. Got enough RPG goodness to last until this time next year, and every episode of Red Dwarf bar the Back To Earth special. And enough Tiger Bread to make sure I don't have to leave my room at all until noon tomorrow when I have to start getting ready for work.


GBAtemp's Silver Hero
Jan 22, 2009
United States
You have completely changed Blaze, seems like only yesterday that you were being beaten down by the man. Such a drastic change in such a short amount of time.


The White Phoenix's purifying flame.
Nov 19, 2008
Coventry, UK
Well, life isn't ALL good. For starters my bank is pissing me off. I'm with Natwest and when I set up the account, I was put on a free trial of some Advantage Gold bullcrap which I didn't want or ask for, but since it was free and all I wanted the account for is as a place to dump my wages every month, I paid it no mind. I got my bank statement today and those wankers are charging me £33 for this advantage gold crap. Meaaning I've now got to find a gap in my schedule to go in an explain to them that if they wish to retain their breathing privaledges they had better refund my money and never EVER touch my money again without written permission from me signed in triplicate. This is why my account went mysteriously £13 overdrawn a few weeks back, them taking a 'subscription fee' for something I never subscribed to. And according to this letter I'm due to be relieved of a further £20 the day before my next pay check.

It might not seem like much, losing £33, but consider that it's at least one day I've worked my balls off and with nothing to show for it, just because Natwest thinks they can steal from me. WELL FUCK THAT.

On the plus side, all but one of my eBay deliveries accounted for. My Red Dwarf box set and Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition showed up Wednesday, and Final Fantasy Unlimited showed up today. Incidentally, what does AC3 stand for? It's on my FFU box set and I don't know what it means. According to the box it's region free so if nothing else my 360 should play it (that thing plays damn near anything) but I'm curious as to what it means. Ideas?

Ah well. Things are going well as a whole. I'm still employed regardless of how much of my wages people think they can swipe from me, and even if they do get anything it won't exactly cripple my balance. I have enough dvds and games to last til xmas,I have enough in my emergency reserves to stock up on supplies before Natwest attempt to take what little remains of my paycheck so I won't be without decent food until I'm paid again, I've got my friends, and I've not died recently so I'm up on previous events. Gotta be thankful for what we have rather than let a tiny irritation like a thieving bank manager (like there's any other kind) mess up my days.

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