Favorite American singer/group?
Does Hadrian really have man boobs?
Have you heard of any activity from AntiVVoltz lately?
lagman and his Xmas song off course. And
Well, he loves boobs almost as much as booze!
Mmmm... nop, he must be plotting some other type of conspiracy somewhere dark (where there is chocolate).
Don't worry as long as I'm around he'll never harm nobody.
(I kinda miss him though).
Lots of questions:
1. What difference does it make?
2. Ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with?)
3. Whats the frequency, Kenneth?
4. Where did you sleep last night?
5. Do you realise?
6. Whatever happened to my rock n' roll?
7. (Are you) The one I've been looking for?
8. Where is my mind?
1. The Smiths!
It does, it really does.
2. The Buzzcocks!
Yes, sad story really. There was this angel at the Uni. I was....
I didn't even knew her and I loved her, damn, I still did not until a while ago. Good thing I got over it, all people that knew me say that those years my eyes were really sad, and they are right, I was sad. Never fall in love of somethingc/someone that cannot love you back.
I seriously believe the American Pie movie was based on MY skills for women at that time.
3. REM!
Is that the real name of Ken Masters?, think about it, Kenneth Masters!.
4. Nirvana!
@ home. Well, what I call home these days.
5. The Flaming Lips!
Sadly, I do....
6. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club!
You probably sit on it and killed it.
7. Got me. Never hear of it.
And yes, I would be the perfect co host, besides I'm cheap.
8. The Pixies!
See #6.
1. If I were to say I hate you, what would you do?
2. I hate you.
3. I was kidding.
5. Who would win in a fight?
6. Which of the follow people could beat you in a fight; VVoltz, \/\/oltz, or Woltz?
1. I would skip the question itself.
3. You better. j/k I hate YOU.
4. j/k
5. Well probably M. Bison. He had military training.
6. I would off course, the others are clones.
The usual :
1) hai?!
2) mudkipz?
3) Do you hate me?
7) Other consoles/handhelds other than DS?
8) Favorite mod/admin?
9) Favorite member?
10) bai!?
1. kthxbai
2. Ash!, wait that's not a Pokemon.
3. Yes, you are way too extreme.
5. How dare you!
6. I insist this looks more like a tumor than a Racoon
7. oh boy. My PSP, my currently battery-less N-Gage, my future PS360
8. All of them are such great guys.
9. The AntiVVoltz. j/k, too many people to list it!
10. hai!
1) As my first question, I'll repeat my questions from the
previous KYT: VVoltz session, and ask whether you've changed your mind.
2) Admit it, AntiVVoltz is your dark alter ego, like in Stephen King's "Secret window, Secret Garden"
3) Um... so, how's your new job treating you?
1. 1) So is the first V a 5 in Roman numerals, and the Voltz meaning Volts, your nick would be "5 Volts"?
2) If so, why?
3) If not, why not?
1. Actually the second V is the source of my super powers!!!!, the z is in fact an inverted N that shows that this sentence makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
2. This is due the fact that both letter V are classified as A, B, C, M or X according to the peak flux (in watts per square meter, W/m²) of 100 to 800 picometer X-rays near Earth, as measured on the GOES spacecraft. Each class has a peak flux ten times greater than the preceding one, with X class flares having a peak flux of order 10-4 W/m². Within a class there is a linear scale from 1 to 9, so an X2 flare is twice as powerful as an X1 flare, and is four times more powerful than an M5 flare. The more powerful M and X class flares are often associated with a variety of effects on the near-Earth space environment. Although the GOES classification is commonly used to indicate the size of a flare, it is only one measure.
3. See #4.
1) How do you feel about
2) Why won't you make up your mind on what console to get? From GameCube, to Wii, to Xbox 360, to PS3, and you're still not totally sure.
3) If you had a chance to battle TPi to the death in order to be crowned the king of the testing area, would you?
4) Who's side are YOU on?
1. Well, that was fun. Liked a lot more than this other
privacy invader freak.
Other that that, I feel flattered.
Costello is God among here (good thing I'm atheist).
2. Wel, I got a GC for 30USD, and others that know me like mthrnite knows my personality is really variable. I'll be unsure until I actually pay for the damn PS360.
3. I have too much respect for the old racoon.
4. Mine.