Know Your Temps: Lucifer666

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Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
Welcome back Tempers! and Lucifer666!, to...

In this quirky little activity you tempers can get to know eachother a little better.

Know Your Temps rules and information:
One lucky user will be questioned for three days.
Users can ask as many many questions as they want. Just be sure to change 'em up a bit. Question templates some users use get stale very fast.
Feel free to ask questions on multiple topics, from favorite video game genre to favorite book. Remember not to go too far and ask discomforting questions.
Try to keep your questions in one post, but if you think of more later on you can post again.
If you only get a few or no replies you will be given an extra day, for a total of 4.
If your session is getting lots of attention especially towards the end I might give you an extra day, maybe.
If you want your session moved backward or removed, just ask me in a PM, and I may do it. If your name was never on the list just ask me at any time.
Some KYT threads will have polls asking for your opinions on previous sessions and if the rules should be tweaked more or if it went well. Please respond to these polls.
If you're on the KYT list, please, also participate in asking questions to others on the list, this prevents KYT sessions from being empty and generates more interest for your own as well.
Tempers that change their name and are on the list that fail to notify me about their name change will get kicked off the list.
This fun and engaging activity helps us get to know you better, in an exciting, chaotic way! Remember to be kind and have fun!

Upcoming sessions (Post here to sign up) :

In This Session: @Lucifer666 will be on stand for questioning!


The Funky Super Saiyan
Nov 24, 2014
United States
Do you use that username everywhere?

Kitkat bars or Reese's Peanut Butter cups?

Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo?

What brought you to the temp?

Kitty cats or puppy dogs?

Do you play MHGen?
Sep 18, 2011
4:54 PM
Got a secret, can you keep it, swear this one you'll save?
Will you lock it in your pocket? I'll take this other one to the grave.
If I show you (then I know you), you're not gonna say what I told you in public, right?
...Cause two people can keep a secret if... one of them is dead :tpi: (me gots to go)

in seriousness

hey! how r u? how's life

Deleted User

Do you watch hentai?
What country do you live in?
Do you have any mental disorders?
Do you consider yourself a good person?
What do you think of society as a whole?


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
How old/young are you?
Hows life?
Favorite game?
Game you'll be looking forward for?
Favorite platform?
Favorite thing to do to kill time?
You drive a car?, if so then what one?
Person which you admire the most on GBATemp as wel as in RL?
Favorite song?
Favorite music genre?
Favorite video clip?
Favorite movie?
Favorite genre of movie?
Favorite drink?
Favorite snack?
Outdoor or indoor person?
Ever felt like you could enjoy the weather for hours and hours on end?
You like cats?
Why/what is the reason for your Temp username?


True Light
Jan 26, 2016
United States
Do you like Dragon Ball Super?
Do you have a waifu/husbando?
If you do, who is it?
Should I ask a girl out?
Would you help me get a girl?
Would you give me a free Wii U and NX?
Free money?
Free android?


all the world needs is me
Apr 22, 2011
The Fourth Dimension
United Kingdom
I'll go through these a little at a time. Stay tuned!

Do you use that username everywhere? No, for the most part I use a different name on every site, except for when I get lazy and can't come up with a new one.

Kitkat bars or Reese's Peanut Butter cups? Reese's!

Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo? Both are great consoles with a rich library of games, but the SNES had more of a presence in my childhood so I'll go with that one.

What brought you to the temp? Made a little rant about this in the "Who the hell are you?" thread, but I started lurking as a kid after coming across this site while searching for AC:WW map editing tools.

Kitty cats or puppy dogs? Both :ohnoes:

Do you play MHGen? Last MH game I played is MH4U, but I should really get down to playing Generations.

Got a secret, can you keep it, swear this one you'll save?
Will you lock it in your pocket? I'll take this other one to the grave.
If I show you (then I know you), you're not gonna say what I told you in public, right?
...Cause two people can keep a secret if... one of them is dead :tpi: (me gots to go) My lips are sealed! Spare us both.

in seriousness

hey! how r u? how's life

It's all good. Getting ready to move out of my parents' place in 10 days, leaving the country for good! New chapter as they say. HBU?

Do you watch hentai? Can't say I've ever been interested.
What country do you live in? A sand pit, i.e. Dubai. Though not for much longer.
Do you have any mental disorders? Rock solid guess. Is this a question you normally ask, or am I that obvious? MDD.
Do you consider yourself a good person? I'm someone who's just trying to get by, at whatever cost. Can't make the judgement myself.
What do you think of society as a whole? Thinly dispersed saints in a sea of idiots. Not that the latter is inherently worse; it's nice to have a mix of both as friends.

Good questions!

How old/young are you? 18 as of just over 2 weeks ago!
Hows life? I've been asked that above but will vary the response a little. It's going good; my parents have just moved into new, much bigger place and I've been helping unpack for hours a day. Can't say it's been fun but it is keeping me busy and physically active so there's that.
Favorite game? All time? Can't say. At the moment though Overwatch is getting a lot of play time out of me.
Game you'll be looking forward for? My friend got me Bioshock Infinite for my birthday which has been on my wish list for a while. Hoping it will be as good as I've anticipated it. As for games that haven't come out yet Bound (which actually just came out) and the Last Guardian are titles I'm looking to get on my PS4.
Favorite platform? All-time? Might be the Dreamcast. Current interest is my PS4 though.
Favorite thing to do to kill time? Reading and listening to Podcasts – a specific one actually. Radiolab is the only one I've listened to and it's fantastic, deeply thought provoking and supported by excellent audio engineering.
You drive a car?, if so then what one? I've not been able to start learning since exams have kept me busy in April/May, and my summer's been interrupted by a trip to the States. I'll be relying on public transport when I move out.
Person which you admire the most on GBATemp as wel as in RL? @mashers is someone who's popped out of nowhere in the years I've been on the site but whose posts I thoroughly enjoy. As for RL, there's no one in particular I look up to for inspiration but the idea of who I might potentially become the more I work on myself. I've been supported by a lot of members of staff in my late school years, though, and it would be nice to become a figure like that for someone else someday.
Favorite song? Ashes to Ashes – David Bowie.
Favorite music genre? Rock.
Favorite video clip? Don't have one but I always dig those vapourwave Vines.
Favorite movie? Withal & I.
Favorite genre of movie? Black comedies and thrillers.
Favorite drink? Pina coladas.
Favorite snack? Baked crisps/chips.
Outdoor or indoor person? Outdoor provided the weather's OK.
Ever felt like you could enjoy the weather for hours and hours on end? Only in the winter when it's actually <30º C outside.
You like cats? I'd give my life for a cat. Any cat, not a specific one.
Why/what is the reason for your Temp username? I used to be Darmanitan on the 'temp but requested that my username be changed to Lucifer (I was very non-religious child and didn't actually know what it meant, just thought it sounded cool.) Told the mod that if it wasn't available they could add some numbers after. Lo and behold, got quite literally the most devilish username to grace the forums.

Thanks for these everyone, I'm having fun doing them and will go through the rest in a while. Meanwhile keep sending them in. I'll do them all before showtime's over. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2012
How does being the satan feel? Do you get all the bishes as they say?
How was your experience in dubai?
Where are you moving to?
Will you a9lh your 3ds if you had one?
Ps vita ded or alive?


all the world needs is me
Apr 22, 2011
The Fourth Dimension
United Kingdom
Why not Jesus777? I go to a VERY unorthodox church. /s

Who the hell are you? I'm a simple person with a knack for programming, good music, and provocative literature. Not so unique on a site for people with like-minded interests I'm afraid.
What's your avatar and why did you pick it? It's a screenshot from Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 3. Picked it cos it was in one of my folders and I had nothing else in mind. Ended up looking cool.
Why'd you join the temp? Started lurking after finding some AC:WW map editing tools here. Finally joined in '11 because I liked the community.
What are you really good at? Maths, cracking jokes, and solving riddles.

Do you like Dragon Ball Super?
Do you have a waifu/husbando? No but I do have dignity. :ha:
If you do, who is it?
Should I ask a girl out? A specific one, or are you just having a craving?
Would you help me get a girl? Same response as above
Would you give me a free Wii U and NX? Funnily enough I did let go of my Wii U recently. Mario Kart 8 is the only game with replay value but a single game won't make me keep a console. I doubt I'm getting the NX at all since Nintendo's home console game has been fairly lacklustre.
Free money? If I had it I'd give you all you wanted and more.
Free android? Sure.

Favorite bagel?
Unix vs Linux? I've never used Unix before, whereas I've used a Linux distro a handful of times before (Ubuntu, good stuff.)
Krabs is a? magic balloon
Who am I? You're a lifelong gamer ever since you got a GameCube and also you're interested in things such as emulation, PCs and all things nerdy.
Is anime overrated? I'm not a fan but my judgement isn't the definitive deciding factor on how worthy of appreciation it is. Especially since I used to be quite into it as a kid.
TF3 or HL3? Let's be real, HL3.

How does being the satan feel? Do you get all the bishes as they say?
How was your experience in dubai? Unpleasant. It's wonderful as a tourist destination; it's clearly built around that industry but as a resident both the weather and conservative politics make long-term stays here difficult.
Where are you moving to? London
Will you a9lh your 3ds if you had one? I have 2 systems (old & new), the old is still on browserhax and Gateway whereas the new one is on menuhax. :O I've been meaning to A9LH them forever but just never got round to it. Motivate me!
Ps vita ded or alive? Six feet under

Keep them coming!
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
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    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
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    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
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    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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    How are you doing, @Xdqwerty
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