Hacking Just bought a Vita at 3.01, any point in staying?


New Member
Feb 4, 2015
United States
So, I recently purchased a Vita that is still at FW 3.01, and I've already gone ahead and exploited it.
I know that a native firmware hack will more likely be "easier" with a lower firmware than this, but since that doesn't seem like it will come to light in a few years, is there any point in staying?
I already have some CFW PSPs, but I do love the screen and controls of the Vita.
Other than that, is there any reasons not to just update when I can, and hope I can jump on the next ninja release from wololo?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
United States
Interesting, I'm new to this whole scene so what exactly does this entail? I take it the Vita hasn't been CFWd yet has it?

More info if you please.
It was talked about briefly by daveeftw and the Zett I believe (on twitter). And there was a website you can go to to test if your system is vulnerable. But other than that, I don't know anything else about it.

Deleted member 42501

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
So whats been going on with that particular exploit since its announcement? Does the Vita have forced updates you have to install before it allows you to PSN/play games like the old PSP days?

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
So whats been going on with that particular exploit since its announcement? Does the Vita have forced updates you have to install before it allows you to PSN/play games like the old PSP days?
The webkit exploit has gone absolutely nowhere, and there were never any guarantees that it would. There are still people poking and prodding, periodically sharing compiled programs and the like for prodding deeper, but nobody has found kernel access via the exploit or anything useful period. At this point, it's seeming less and less likely that the web exploit is where a kernel exploit will come from, and because of that, I have a really hard time suggesting that anybody sit on 3.18 and wait. As well, if I recall correctly, the web exploit doesn't work on the early firmwares. It's a result of something introduced somewhere around the 3.x updates. So if you're sitting on something like 1.6, you're still out of luck even if something does come of the web exploit if it ends up being the exclusive route to the potential kernel exploit.

Essentially, I suggest that unless you are far more optimistic than I am, you simply update and move on. Or if you have the extra cash, pick up a second Vita that you intend to be the one for potential hacks.

As for the PSP hacking front on the Vita, that's been going rather well these past few weeks. We now have ARK available on the Vita on 3.36 provided you have one of the exploit games, and they've gone through about three rounds of separate game announcements at this point. This does only mean PSP game loading and PSP homebrew though, and none of this takes advantage of the Vita since it's operating within the PSP sandbox. It's gotten easier to work with since the first batch of games and VHBL were announced for 3.36, but despite how much easier they've been able to make it, I still suggest just owning a PSP for PSP stuff. It's infinitely more convenient in pretty much every single way. Not to mention I'd rather load down a PSP with my PSP games and emulators than my Vita seeing as memory is far cheaper for one than the other.

Otherwise, as per pretty much any online service on a game console these days, if it has an update available, you have to update before you can access it. That should be a given on any modern internet enabled gaming focused device. If you have a PS3, games can be bought and shared to the Vita without updating, but that's the only alternative to getting an exploit release (provided they still work) on a lower firmware.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
United States
So whats been going on with that particular exploit since its announcement? Does the Vita have forced updates you have to install before it allows you to PSN/play games like the old PSP days?
I'm not sure, devs are probably playing around with it. There's not much talk about it so I think we'll be waiting a while, who knows.

If you're asking if you have to have up to date firmware to access PSN, then yes.

Deleted member 42501

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
Thanks for the detailed information folks, been a while since I've worn a black hat (last time was back in the old Xbox days and how much fun it was cracking that one) and am astounded at how fragmented the scene has become with everyone wanting to be a glory hog whereas it used to be about doing it for the sake of doing it and everyone pitching in what they could as we took advantage of the new method of pooling our resources and feedback via forums instead of having to hang around on IRC.


i wouldnt upgrade past 3.18, its the golden firmware, look at it like the 4.x 3ds consoles :)
You can manually update the firmware to jump to anything higher then what you already have installed, you can play any PS1 and PSP game on 3.18 along with all the emulators. It runs the PSP firmware perfectly too.


New Member
Feb 12, 2015
United States
i wouldnt upgrade past 3.18, its the golden firmware, look at it like the 4.x 3ds consoles :)
You can manually update the firmware to jump to anything higher then what you already have installed, you can play any PS1 and PSP game on 3.18 along with all the emulators. It runs the PSP firmware perfectly too.

I have one on 2.01, how would I update it to 3.18 and not the latest firmware?


I have one on 2.01, how would I update it to 3.18 and not the latest firmware?

here is a walk through or 3, http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=23013

or heres my guide, i laid it out a bit easier and will tell you how to update manually and get eCFW on it.

here is what you need to do:

- Go here http://zload.net/v2/archives/file/?id=2417593 and download the openCMA patch, now on your pc right click on the CMA tool in the bottom right corner and close it, or just goto task manager and shut it.
- Goto program files folder on the C:/ and find the sony cma folder, open the folder and get the patch for openCMA you downloaded and extract it all in there and write over anything it asks to do.
- Right hand click on the BAT file now in there and press run as administrator, this will patch CMA so you can use it offline meaning no asking to update
- Now is your vita activated with your PSN account? if yes go to the next step... if no.. go to settings on the vita and go to format and format the device, it will restart and all you need to do is follow the steps and log into the internet when asked and log into your PSN account (this is the only time you can activate your vita on an old firmware) and watch the intro video.
- Goto settings and put the vita into planemode and make sure wifi is switched off, RESTART the vita by holding the power button and pressing switch off, then when its off switch it on again.
- Next plug the vita into the PC and load the cma app on the vita screen, when you have pressed it, unplug the cable from the PC end and you will get an error screen pop up on your vita (LEAVE THIS ERROR SCREEN ALONE)
- Now take the cable and plug it into the ps3 (PS3 AND VITA MUST BE ON THE SAME ACCOUNT) and it will connect and the error will go leaving you with options to access the PS3 from the vita screen, go in and select the exploited game you already bought and downloaded and left in BUBBLE form on the PS3
- Send it over and then plug the cable back into the PC
- Go here http://zload.net/v2/archives/vita/ and find the TN-V exploit save file for the game you bought, make sure you find the 3.18 exploits as this is what you need even with 3.20...
- Extract the file you downloaded and navagate to my documents>PS VITA>PSAVEDATA>uygthg487236487(random chars)werhvb> ____this is where you need to extract that file to so it has its own folder that contains the exploit and other files like ULES5064 for example.
- Next download the psp FW 6.60 here http://zload.net/v2/archives/file/?id=2417922 and rename it 660.PBP and place this into the folder with the exploit files, (Make sure that file extensions on your pc is switched on so you can make sure the .PBP is all in upper case 660.PBP.
- Goto your vita which is wired into the pc and goto the CMA app on the vita
- Navigate to the pc/save folder and move the new files over
- Back out when done and load the exploit game up and trigger it, most times its holding the L or R bumper (i cant remember which) when loading the save up in the game or on the games splash screen as each exploit triggers differently to get to the install screen, you will only need to do this once, after that just trigger the exploit and you will go strait into epsp menu.
- You will get a black screen and some text, press down until you get to Advanced> then when that loads press Install, once its done back out and it will load you into the ePSP menus

from here you can look at installing roms/FTP apps for example and study how it works.

if you did this correct you should be able to go to this menu from the trigger exploit game any time you wish. Here is the lost of exploit games available to the public

at the bottom you will see the PS1 Loaders, this will work the same as the epsp exploits but will let you load directly into a menu to play PS1 Roms perfectly and way better then the ePSP part can, no slow downs etc..

id grab 1 ps1 loader and 1 normal exploit, ive written all this off the top of my head so if i missed something cut me some slack

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
i wouldnt upgrade past 3.18, its the golden firmware, look at it like the 4.x 3ds consoles :)
You can manually update the firmware to jump to anything higher then what you already have installed, you can play any PS1 and PSP game on 3.18 along with all the emulators. It runs the PSP firmware perfectly too.
The 3DS 4.x situation isn't even remotely comparable. That was the golden firmware the moment something actually released for it. On the other hand, the Vita has a maybe that is looking to be more like nothing.


The 3DS 4.x situation isn't even remotely comparable. That was the golden firmware the moment something actually released for it. On the other hand, the Vita has a maybe that is looking to be more like nothing.

ever heard the phrase.. if you dont have somthing nice to say then dont saying anything?

3.18 is where you are going to want to stay.

Nathan Drake

Obligations fulfilled, now I depart.
Jan 2, 2011
ever heard the phrase.. if you dont have somthing nice to say then dont saying anything?

3.18 is where you are going to want to stay.
I just see no point in filling people with false hope. The web exploit was discovered almost exactly four months ago and hackers have been digging at it since its discovery. Work has been compiled, tools made, shared, looked at, used, and yet, all we have seen is the recent release of a functional pong game that runs via the web exploit which is entirely unexciting and is in no way an indicator of legitimate Vita homebrew coming anytime soon. Beyond that, there's no saying the only path to whatever exploit could be found would be through the web exploit.

All in all, there is zero certainty and zero reason to actually have expectations. No matter how I look at it, I feel like if a kernel exploit was in the web exploit, it would have been found after four months of so much digging.


of all the firmwares so far 3.18 has the most options to play with and do stuff.

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