

GBAtemp Testing Area
May 14, 2006
United States
For months now I've had worsening insomnia, and now I frequently wake up with the uncontrollable urge to just dive out of my bed and stand up even if I'm dead tired. I just spring up out of bed, and usually crawl back into bed a few minutes later or after I get a drink. I've considered a way of stopping myself might be to sleep in a large box so I can't easily jump out of it. That or placing an obstruction at the side of the bed so when I try to jump out I can't and then I have to stay in bed. Sometimes this startles my cat. My cat sleeps on my bed with me also and when I wake up suddenly the cat appears surprised and frightened by me suddenly jumping out of bed and standing up. Then the cat wants picked up which I oblige, and if I can't get back to sleep quickly I tell the cat bedtime stories and watch infomercials with it until I get tired again. This calms both of us and allows me to get back to sleep. Sometimes I dream about the infomercials but I never actually want any of the products featured in them, the contents of the infomercial just appear among anything else I'm dreaming about. If I wake up thirsty I usually just get myself some water, but I don't drink very much since I'll just have to wake up and go to the bathroom again later. I have a water cooler because the water is very hard and unpalatable here. The cat is fascinated by it's strange noises and will watch in amazement at the bubbling after I've filled up my glass. Usually I'll just stay there with the cat and we'll watch the bubbling before we go back to bed. I also experience this more than once a night on occasion, sometimes several times a night. It seems to occur less if I'm sleeping on the couch but it still happens, and I wake up with a sore back from sleeping on it. One time after attempting to stand from the couch I stumbled into the coffee table, which was confusing until I realized that I'm not in my room. There isn't a table in my room. If there was a table in my room I would choose a small table, and perhaps place a lamp on it. Unfortunately I have limited space for such things and so I've been apprehensive in acquiring one. Sometimes I even talk to my cat. I don't know if its a side effect of insomnia or what but my cat and I seem to have developed a very close relationship. I have even ate cat food, though my cat seems to not let me eat it. One time I managed to wake up without jumping. The bowl of cat food was visible from my bed. I felt a little hungry so I got up and walked over to my table with the cat food. Unfortunately my cat seems to have noticed. He suddenly yelled, “Stop right there criminal scum! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
United States
This one of those fake stories that get ended in some kind of internet meme? Like Fresh Prince of Bel-air lyrics and other things.

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