Dude, I thought you would back me up because of Red Steel 2... That game should be with PSMove exclusively
Sorry for the off-topic

and with it I meant MGR:R...
I liked Red Steel 2's motion controls over Skyward Sword. Skyward Sword just felt like it didn't do it well. In Red Steel 2 I could actually swing it like a sword. In Skyward Sword, it was basically just felt like I was a clock, moving my hands until I reach the right number to do a directional slash in. It really didn't make the combat look or feel sleek like it did in Red Steel 2, where I could slash a guy off the ground and then pelt him with bullets in the air. Red Steel 2 is just like the ultimate motion controlled game. It doesn't feel gimmicky at all, it shows that motion is needed for some aspects over regular controls, and it didn't shoehorn in the controls everywhere like Skyward Sword did.
I do enjoy motion swordplay but for a game where every enemy is literally based around the direction you slash in, a touchscreen is better suited than a game like Red Steel which has some emphasis on this but you need the controller for gunplay as well.
I hope this is what you were talking about, lol.
EDIT: And for Arkham City I thought someone would suggest using the controller as Detective Mode or whatever. Hold it up to the screen like it's an x-ray or something. Not that I'd actually enjoy doing that every time I want/need to use Detective Mode but it'd be kinda neat. I'd rather just keep it to a button.
Just in general, I found the biggest uses for touchscreens are for multimedia functions and additional button mapping. Multimedia because it's easier to use a touchscreen designed GUI than almost everything else and it can function as a keyboard, mouse, remote control, anything pretty much. Button mapping because for a console (like the Vita) that doesn't have every button on it can map some stuff to the touchscreen and avoid convoluted controls. As a gameplay aspect though, I've played plenty of games that use a touchscreen, for DS to iPod to Vita, and I can easily say I can live without the gameplay features. I just like it mostly for the button mapping.