Gaming how's the PS5 scalping situation in the EU with the crackdown in effect?


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
What crackdown? They half tried a few laws against concert/event tickets some years ago (no great effect really and more aimed at ticket touts which is already a thing) and at random times a few politicos might try a bill but nothing really gets passed, especially not for luxury goods.
So yeah it is legal and probably always will be for said luxury goods. Thus no breakups nor arrests and unlikely to be -- if you have something you can resell it and infringing upon that would be a breach of general consumer/human rights in many regards. Some retailers might try something technical as they presumably want the customers (they buy games and accessories after all) but that is all them. Only way the police might get involved is if dodgy credit cards or non fulfilment of orders was happening. I would be stunned if the police even did a "we hear you are scalping PS5s, maybe you want to find another town to be doing that in" type deal.

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