Homebrew How to restore the old health and safety app On N3DS US?

  • Thread starter Deleted User
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  • Views 2,127
  • Replies 4

Deleted User

From my understanding I had to use 3DNUS to download 0004001000021300 v2051 as a CIA. Then open up FBI 2.4.2 and delete 0004001000021300 from my Nand, and then reinstall the cia I downloaded from 3DNUS to the nand as well. Is that correct?

If so may I ask how to do that on FBI 2.4.2? I see both CTR and TWL Nand however I can't seem to find 0004001000021300 nor do I understand how to install the CIA from my SD card to the correct Nand(never had to make a nand adjustment before)

I appreciate the help :) I already made a nand backup in case, however I would rather come here for extra clarification to be safe

Deleted User

Found the answer. It was just a matter of installing the CIA. Nothing special had to be done. :)

Deleted User

The easiest way is to update your system (even it's already latest), it will re-install missing system apps. ;)

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