Gaming how to play pirated games?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2009
United States
You're retarded. But I like u, cuz ur avatar is horrible. Did you miss the tutorials? Also google?

You can unflash, if you save your drive key (the one you took off ur drive, and replaced with a modified one, that allowed backups to be run).

craigslists, is a best bet if you want your xbox flashed, if you can't do it urself. Also, since your flag isn't the USA, I'm guessing this isn't an option for you.



Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2005
If you didn't care about live you could've probably found a banned console for sale for dirt cheap, since there are tons of them around now. It would most likely be flashed already unless the person selling it flashed stock firmware back onto it, but most likely it would have hacked firmware and ready to go. Of course you couldn't install games to the HD unless you re-enabled it by dumping and modifying the nand, but that involves soldering wires so I wouldn't recommend it unless you are comfortable with that.

Since you already went and got a console, you can either return it and try what I said, or google some tutorials. Jungleflasher is the easiest program to use to flash a console, but you are going to need tutorials and possibly equipment for everything first. How to open the console is a tutorial in itself. Then there's the issue of whether or not your pc has the correct SATA, and buying a compatable PCI SATA card if it isn't. Then if you get a liteon drive you might get a model that either needs a probe to read a drivekey off of it, or you might get one that isn't hackable yet. Just make sure you read EVERYTHING over before you attempt ANYTHING. People have turned their consoles into doorstops from simply skipping a step in the process, usually by not backing up their firmware and losing their drivekeys. It is something that gets very easy after you figure everything out even if it doesn't sound like it after reading all of that.


Apr 21, 2008
London, UK
Strange that there's a distinct lack of information yet some general assumptions are made.

In any case, answering the original question, if you want to play "backup" (because pirate is taboo and makes it sounds like you don't care about the people who make the game and just expect free entertainment of the most supreme quality like a conceited so-and-so) games, you just need to flash a new custom firmware onto the DVD drive of the Xbox that will be able to read burnt/backed up games. If it's Hitachi, Samsung or BenQ, it's a fairly easy and straightforward process. If it's a LiteOn, 7 series needs a probe/spear tool to flash, 8 v1 can be done easily, 8v2 and 9 series LiteOns are NOW FLASHABLE (in contrast to the above post) but the process is more complicated than you are likely to bother trying with (involves a solder iron, some wires, and I think 2 diodes).

The newer the console (you can tell by the MFR on the sticker on the back), especially if it's after June '09, the more annoying it will be to flash it, but once it is flashed, it will likely be able to play all games you want just by sticking the DVD in. Also all current custom firmwares are detectable by M$ so if you connect to LIVE at any point with a flashed drive, you WILL be banned (or at least it seems that way after over a million got banned recently).

To unflash it, unlike what was mentioned before, you don't need the DVD key but rather the original unaltered firmware. If you have bought it pre-flashed (as someone assumed above), then you will be very lucky if they actually provided it to you as most don't bother. If you did it yourself using JungleFlasher, you'll likely have a file like "BenQ-OFW.bin" (assuming its a BenQ drive) hanging around somewhere. That's what you need, and if you have it somewhere, you can unflash the drive using JungleFlasher and a tutorial. If you don't have it, you can't unflash it. If you have not yet flashed your drive, then obviously you won't be able to play backup DVDs yet.

Bottom line, to play a backup game, stick in the backup DVD into the drive and see if it runs (if it does, problem solved). If it doesn't, try another to check if it's the disk. If it still doesn't run, try any old movie DVD or audio CD to check if it's the drive. If nothing seems wrong but it won't play backup games, then you'll need to go about opening it up and flashing the drive. If you're still having trouble after this, you can read the tutorials on this site, or google up more tutorials to try, or just post another question here. Some people don't like people who don't bother trying to use the search bar or google search engine, some will be more patient and just answer your questions over and over. EDIT: When asking a question though, it probably helps to actually tell us more information than "I have my console, I have my pirated games, what now?"

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