How to create in-game hack menus?


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Hope this is the correct section which it should be but what I wanted to ask is how do you make in-game menus with hacks. As a example I will bring up GTA V now for those who have played it (with hacks) already know this but most of the hacks for it are in-game menus which you open with F2 key and all they are, are .dll files which you put into the games directory. I want to make the same stuff but for other games. How do I do this? what software is required? how do you make .dll files? what language do you need to know to write this type of thing?


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
For a PC the easiest way is to have some kind of macro that latches onto the game and injects whatever it needs into the game.

For a console game prior to the likes of the PS3 and 360 then it is far harder. Ones before the game and button combos are easy enough but adding a whole new menu. On the later ones you would tend to want to go in at OS level, though even there it would possibly not be as easy as PC.

Skills wise it really depends what you are doing. If you are writing a macro and then telling it to watch for a given press, pause the game, inject a few numbers (maybe different ones at the user's discretion), and then return to the unpaused game then 10 minutes to learn the rudiments of some macro program, another 10 as injecting things into memory of other programs is not the done thing on PCs and might need you to understand a bit (still very possible though), and then however long it takes you to figure out where the memory locations you want for your cheats are kept. A lot of game cheat programs have some pretty advanced logic these days as well (if your flag is accurate then artmoney is the program of choice around you, I have not played so much with it as it is paid and most other things seem to do just as well every time I go looking but it does have some fair functionality.
If you are going toe to toe with anti piracy, anti cheat, an and wanting a full in game menu then it could be a long road that sees you become a top flight programmer of sorts along the way. It probably will not entail that for most things and you will then have to learn about hooking code and how DLLs work and maybe how to generate a window in the game or abuse an existing one. I don't know if you can do it with

Likewise I don't know if it is the case with GTA5 but games which allow extensive modding, or people have worked up tools for it, might well allow some things there if the modders would need extra windows of their own. Have that and have some memory fiddling internally and you can have a cheat menu done in game. Most would not go out as DLLs as much as internal scripting, unless it was a fan driven hack rather than with developer released tools.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
For a PC the easiest way is to have some kind of macro that latches onto the game and injects whatever it needs into the game. . . . . . . .

I will check out the programs you mentioned and i forgot to write it but i am doing it for PC games. Also i noticed that i cant make full fledged in-game menus for the games i wanted to do it for because they are windows store games and you cant edit the games directory sadly.

Actually after posting this i did manage to make a in-game menu (sort of) by writing a 864 line python script xD. Its less of a cheat but more of a editor and a multiplayer lobby debugger.

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