How on Earth do you run hurdles?


all the world needs is me
Apr 22, 2011
The Fourth Dimension
United Kingdom
I was accidentally put in the big hurdle race coming up tomorrow in school, and, well, I've never run hurdles before.

I've done some internet research, and what I've managed to learn is:
-Hurdle races are more about running then actually jumping, so I must run really fast
-I must not pause and jump but rather raise my "lead leg" at the knee and make it over the hurdle, then have my "trail leg" (trail leg is it?) follow sideways, with a sideways arm-swinging action to gain momentum.
-I must calculate how many steps I'll need to get my feet into position before running a hurdle.

The first thing I want to know is if what I've managed to learn is correct.

I'd also like to know approximately how tall a hurdle is. I'm not really good with predicting when I am given an exact length, so, given the fact that I have a height of 1.57 meters, where would the hurdle reach in length? (knees, for example?)

3. Is it proven to be easier for taller people? I am quite short..

4. Is there anything else I need to know?

5. Do I have the right to be nervous? I've never done hurdles before, and the first time I'll be running hurdles is in a competition! Goodness..

I need some confidence-boosting advice, or perhaps anything that would get me more prepared for the event tomorrow.

Thanks guys.

Vulpes Abnocto

Not Dead Yet
Former Staff
Jun 24, 2008
United States
I'd say your nerves are justified. After all, what do we call any tough obstacle we face in life? A hurdle.

If you've never had to run a race of this sort, I'd seriously suggest you practice a good bit today.

And no matter how well or poorly you do, know that you're doing it better than I could. :grog:

Good luck!
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Terenigma everywhere
Nov 10, 2008
Try to keep your speed up, jumping them is actually not that hard as long as you keep your speed up and have a fairly decent jump on you, most people of any height should be able to clear them from when i did it in school. The hurdles are not a brick wall, once you've got your speed up, you will be suprised how easily you can clear it.

If you really wanna win the event then take the hurdles one at a time, keep your focus on timing your jump and then when you land get your balance back as quickly as possible and try to keep your momentum up then focus on the next one. Dont think about anyone else on the field. When you are there, focus solely on your own lane and making each hurdle 1 at a time, nothing else.

The hurdles themselfs arnt as big as they seem once you are actually on the track and honestly, if you knock one over its not the end of the world. Dont push yourself, just relax and remember its a school event not the world olympics lol

The adivce you got in the OP was right tho for the event.

Also if you really get too nervous and dont wanna do it then, as you start running, fake a leg injury like you've pulled a muscle in your leg and like hop and pretend one of your legs has gone numb. It looks legit to the crowd and is a good way to get out of it.

Thats just a last resort tho lol good luck x
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Sep 24, 2011
Are you so short that your face would hit the hurdle if you didn't jump?

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