Homebrew How can I system transfer contents of a EU 3DS to a JP 3DS? (both homebrewed)


Dec 12, 2006
Hi all,
This is a bit of a weird one because of how System Transfer works, thought I would give it a shot anyway. I've got an EU 3DS and a JP 3DS and I'd like to System Transfer the EU system to the JP one. I don't care about the contents of the JP system (can back up saves through checkpoint etc.) but I do care a lot about the EU system, down to play data and Streetpass info etc. hence I thought System Transfer would be the best method for the job. Obviously that's a bit difficult with the two consoles being in different regions and I've been left a little stuck.

My question is - what options do I have to get the contents of the system to this JP console? I've heard that region changes can make you lose save data etc. and wonder if anybody has had experience doing a similar transfer. I don't care at all about the contents of the destination console but would love to maintain the data on the source console at all cost.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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