I have a gateway and I would like to get homebrew working mainly for CHMM themes. I found a guide on it but I just wanted to confirm it is correct.
1. Download Starter Kit
2. Put Theme Folder, boot.3dsx, hblauncher_loader.cia, and the 3ds folder onto the root of your SD card
3. Use BigBlueBox DevMenu to install hblauncher_loader.cia
Is that all? Or do I have to do anything else? I'm using a 2DS
1. Download Starter Kit
2. Put Theme Folder, boot.3dsx, hblauncher_loader.cia, and the 3ds folder onto the root of your SD card
3. Use BigBlueBox DevMenu to install hblauncher_loader.cia
Is that all? Or do I have to do anything else? I'm using a 2DS