Hacking Hercules no Eikou freezes in beginning on M3 Real. Help!



I have this exact same problem. But, it seems that everyone who was working on the project over there has lost interest.
I got it to work once when I booted through iTouch. But, now it just dies in exactly the same spot you mentioned.


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Jul 23, 2007
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valyr said:
sorry but i wouldnt know where to start with an m3 real as i only have an r4 an ezv+ and a dstt to test on sorry

Dont worry bout it.
Ill probably try booting it through a different flashcart firmware like multi.


Thanks Valyr for the quick response. Dont worry too much about it. The interesting thing is that when I first installed the Sakura os on my m3 real, the game worked almost consistently through iTouch boot. Then it kinda stopped after I updated the sakura os again. So, im wondering if the problem is a DLDI issue that maybe you can glance at if you have the time. I looked at the boot headers after applying the patch. And, it says that it looks fine. But, it still crashes directly after the company logo screen. The fmv wont play at all. It's just 2 black screens.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2005
the game stops working after firmware 3.8x, and it has been reported many times to the m3team, but they don't tend to fix older games that often
hope they'll fix it on their next firmware

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    Off to watch Nosferatu. Later all. Have a good evening, day, afternoon. Whatever it may be where you are. :)
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    @imafsiry, There should be a guide somewhere on GBAtemp.
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    Brb, and if not, good night
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    @imafsiry, What method? Phone or RCM Loader?
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    @imafsiry You just install Rekado to your phone and then plug your Switch into your phone when it's in RCM mode. Rekado should automatically pop up on your phone and ask which payload you want to send.
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    @imafsiry You can also set it to auto launch the payload of your choice so no user input is even necessary.
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    thats what i use also. works better if you launch hekate from rekado as you won't need to update the payload
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