Okay, so my Wiiflow was working fine, I hadnt played on it for a while about 4 months, then I needed a terabyte to move some files so I took the usb I usually use for the wii and plugged in into my comp, I thought this might harm the usb disk somehow so I didnt do it.. I plugged it out, after a week I plugged in the usb and all of my games were gone when I went onto wii flow! I checked on the computer, when I plugged in the usb, and all of the codes and covers were there! I dont know what wrong... right now I have these folder/ files on my usb wii flow thing: box covers, cache, codes, covers, fanart, music,themes, trailer, txtcodes, boot.dol, icon, language, titles, wiiflow (the last three had like not folders but you know the notepad icon with like a gear next to it) Help would be VERY MUCHLY appreciated!
Okay, so my Wiiflow was working fine, I hadnt played on it for a while about 4 months, then I needed a terabyte to move some files so I took the usb I usually use for the wii and plugged in into my comp, I thought this might harm the usb disk somehow so I didnt do it.. I plugged it out, after a week I plugged in the usb and all of my games were gone when I went onto wii flow! I checked on the computer, when I plugged in the usb, and all of the codes and covers were there! I dont know what wrong... right now I have these folder/ files on my usb wii flow thing: box covers, cache, codes, covers, fanart, music,themes, trailer, txtcodes, boot.dol, icon, language, titles, wiiflow (the last three had like not folders but you know the notepad icon with like a gear next to it) Help would be VERY MUCHLY appreciated!