Hi all - I'm just a complete noob at this, so 'hi' to everyone, and thank you in advance for reading.
I've been trying to get a backup version of Mortal Kombat Armageddon to work on my wii, and saw this forum Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Forum Link on GBAtemp. I'm having a similar problem to a user on there, and am not sure whether it's been resolved?
The issue is, I download ver 1.1 of IOS patcher, and have my MTKA .ISO file saved on my PC. When I launch the .exe, it says USAGE: C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\IOSPatcher-1.1\IOSPatcher.exe , then 'press any key to continue...'.
My .ISO is saved in another folder, so I find that folder, select the .ISO and click and drag into the .exe, where it now says (directly under 'press any key to continue'): "C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\New Folder\Armageddon.iso"
I then type in 249 and press enter. What happens now is that the .exe seems to do nothing, and closes itself. I check the .ISO file to see if anything has been changed (size, date modified etc.) and nothing has changed.
Could someone please be kind enough to help me with this? I really appreciate your time and help.
I've been trying to get a backup version of Mortal Kombat Armageddon to work on my wii, and saw this forum Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Forum Link on GBAtemp. I'm having a similar problem to a user on there, and am not sure whether it's been resolved?
The issue is, I download ver 1.1 of IOS patcher, and have my MTKA .ISO file saved on my PC. When I launch the .exe, it says USAGE: C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\IOSPatcher-1.1\IOSPatcher.exe , then 'press any key to continue...'.
My .ISO is saved in another folder, so I find that folder, select the .ISO and click and drag into the .exe, where it now says (directly under 'press any key to continue'): "C:\Documents and Settings\Nick\Desktop\New Folder\Armageddon.iso"
I then type in 249 and press enter. What happens now is that the .exe seems to do nothing, and closes itself. I check the .ISO file to see if anything has been changed (size, date modified etc.) and nothing has changed.
Could someone please be kind enough to help me with this? I really appreciate your time and help.